» » 4D Prediction for Sept 2014

Msg #281
22-09-2014 04:20 pm

Hi Sabah 4D Players

Potential Sabah 3D sets for the coming draws in the month of September 2014

360 - 234 - 731 - 908 - 817 - 246 - 519 - 128 - 532 - 316 - 729 - 467 - 985 - 056 - 561 - 743 - 954 - 189 - 852 - 632 - 680 - 818 - 059 - 367 - 538 - 758 - 877 - 069

Members can used whatever methods you have/had or matching Pandora 4D, or combo Pandora or BABIES pandora, 1D or 2D or also matching any above 3Ds sets to form your 4D...

Hoping the coming draws, most members can laugh during their slepp at night

Best of Luck
Msg #282
22-09-2014 04:21 pm

All the cats out of the bags...
(Not yet X'mas lah)..

Good Luck ALL !!
Msg #283
23-09-2014 04:47 am

TQ sifu ^^
I miss look again >
Msg #284
23-09-2014 06:27 am

hi sifu giugno128

please check for this nmber :)

mgnum & toto 9786
Msg #285
23-09-2014 10:15 am

Magnum 9786
so far having 6 hits in year 2014, still no podium hit yet....
Best month is Nov follow by Sep... Therefore, still can try for the month of Sep. If you are aiming for podium, may be in second half of Oct or 1st half of Nov...

SportsToto 9786
Expecting 4 more hits this year and will be Sep, Oct & Dec.
Pls keep an eye on this 4D and will be waving at you on the podium platform...

Good Luck

Msg #286
23-09-2014 12:29 pm

Sifu giugno, can check 2908, 1230 & 2965. Spore counter. Thanks
Msg #287
23-09-2014 12:56 pm

Hello sifu
Any chance for this no 3491 Magnum (MK T)tomorrow prediction ?
Msg #288
23-09-2014 03:14 pm

Magnum 3491
Has been 4 hits so far this year... two podium hits in May..According to the past trend, Aug should be it's best month and last Aug, it DID NOT hit any... also, Sep are also good for this number. Chances for this number to hit in Sep is high.

The 3Ds for this 3491 are pretty good, both 943 & 941 are in short cycle trend and 931 is in long cycle trend... although 431 hit 3rd 3415 on 20/09, but I would not be surprized it will do it again this year....

Would expect this number to hit one or two spec/consol or go straights to podium platform... Good number.

Good Luck
Msg #289
23-09-2014 03:21 pm

hi rooney,
i personally feel that it's ok to play 2908 and 2965 . 2908 will be the main choice .

2908 - just has a podium hit in this year . predict another podium hit in this year .
2965 - not yet hit podium in year 2004. may appear at podium any time XD
1230 - has appear twice in this month and next best month will be on OCTOBER. mostly special/consolation

can look into AABC pattern for the 3 sets of 4d since the trend for SGpool has changed from most ABCD to AABC and AAAB. . .

Goodluck XD
Msg #290
23-09-2014 03:28 pm

SGPools 2908
Normally this number would hit about two top3 hits a year, so far, one already happened in 30/04, 3rd 2089. Would expect 2 to 3 hits for the rest of the year.... (not more then 1 hit in one month)... If it did not hit in Sep, it will happen in Oct, Nov or Dec. Normally will see Starter/Consolation few hits before you can see Top3 again.

1230, has been doing very well this year, 8 hits so far (2 top3).... it may reach it quota but I would not be surprize if it going to have one more starter/consolation hit this year.. definietly not in Sep.

2965 - The best month was July and it had 2 hits in that month....So far, no top3 hit this year....Strangly, in 2013, there are not hits after July 2013... I would not expect it to happen again this year... Would expect there will be at least one hit in Sep but could be starter/consolation prize...

Good Luck
Msg #291
23-09-2014 03:50 pm

Hi again

Let look into SGPools 3D -123 (also in my 3D list in above msg #286)

As you can see from the data below, 3D 123 has been not very consistent in hitting TOP3. Normally after medium cycle, about range of 11 to 15 after hitting starter/consolation, it will had a Top3 hit following a shorter busts (7 to 9 hits) of starter/consolation, then hitting top3 again... from there, very very few starter/consolation hits and it will hit top3 again....

What I mean is 3D 123 if continues this type of pattern, pls still keep track of this 3D even after it hit top3 soon... it is not difficult to capture the 4th digit to match this 3D 123....

Good Luck in your hunting guys/sis

2014-09-21 2361 STARTERS 6
2014-09-21 3213 CONSOLE 5
2014-09-17 9231 CONSOLE 4
2014-09-14 3172 STARTERS 3
2014-09-06 0312 CONSOLE 2
2014-09-06 2301 CONSOLE 1
2014-08-27 3261 3rd 0
2014-08-24 1326 CONSOLE 15
2014-08-10 6123 STARTERS 14
2014-08-09 1320 CONSOLE 13
2014-08-06 1213 STARTERS 12
2014-08-03 1352 CONSOLE 11
2014-08-03 3120 CONSOLE 10
2014-07-30 1213 CONSOLE 9
2014-07-30 1328 STARTERS 8
2014-07-26 2153 STARTERS 7
2014-07-16 1223 STARTERS 6
2014-07-13 3128 CONSOLE 5
2014-06-29 8321 CONSOLE 4
2014-06-21 1523 STARTERS 3
2014-06-15 2913 STARTERS 2
2014-06-01 1236 CONSOLE 1
2014-05-25 3213 3rd 0
2014-05-21 2301 1st 0
2014-05-21 2131 3rd 0
2014-05-21 2361 CONSOLE 1
2014-05-18 2351 3rd 0
2014-05-17 3281 STARTERS 7
2014-05-17 2381 STARTERS 6
2014-05-11 1324 CONS 5
2014-04-30 2031 STARTERS 4
2014-04-27 1293 STARTERS 3
2014-04-02 8231 STARTERS 2
2014-03-29 1132 STARTERS 1
2014-03-26 2031 1st 0
2014-03-22 4321 CONSOLE 11
2014-03-16 2319 STARTERS 10
2014-03-05 3127 STARTERS 9
2014-03-01 1328 CONSOLE 8
2014-02-23 4213 CONSOLE 7
2014-02-08 3312 STARTERS 6
2014-02-05 2031 STARTERS 5
2014-02-01 3821 STARTERS 4
2014-01-29 3712 CONSOLE 3
2014-01-25 1328 STARTERS 2
2014-01-12 1283 STARTERS 1
2014-01-12 1328 3rd 0
2014-01-08 2913 CONSOLE 2
2014-01-08 2135 STARTERS 1
2013-12-28 2113 2nd 0
2013-12-25 3218 STARTERS 1
2013-12-21 2136 2nd 0
2013-12-14 2731 2nd 0
2013-12-14 3210 STARTERS 9
2013-12-14 1320 CONSOLE 8
2013-12-11 3412 STARTERS 7
2013-12-07 3125 STARTERS 6
2013-11-30 3121 STARTERS 5
2013-11-23 3214 CONSOLE 4
2013-11-13 3221 STARTERS 3
2013-11-09 1302 CONSOLE 2
2013-11-09 2391 CONSOLE 1
2013-11-06 2321 3rd 0
2013-10-30 3512 CONSOLE 16
2013-10-30 2173 STARTERS 15
2013-10-26 1312 CONSOLE 14
2013-10-19 1923 STARTERS 13
2013-10-12 3421 CONSOLE 12
2013-10-09 9312 CONSOLE 11
2013-10-06 2311 STARTERS 10
2013-09-21 8312 STARTERS 9
2013-09-21 3241 STARTERS 8
2013-09-15 3128 STARTERS 7
2013-09-04 1352 STARTERS 6
2013-09-04 3621 CONSOLE 5
2013-09-01 3612 STARTERS 4
2013-09-01 3125 CONSOLE 3
2013-08-25 6312 CONSOLE 2
2013-08-18 1823 STARTERS 1
2013-08-10 2319 2nd 0
2013-07-28 8213 CONSOLE 1
2013-07-24 3221 3rd 0
2013-07-24 2153 CONSOLE 11
2013-07-24 1332 STARTERS 10
2013-07-20 1230 CONSOLE 9
2013-07-17 1352 CONSOLE 8
2013-07-03 1332 STARTERS 7
2013-06-26 1237 STARTERS 6
2013-06-26 1253 CONSOLE 5
2013-05-25 9312 STARTERS 4
2013-05-12 1238 STARTERS 3
2013-05-11 1382 STARTERS 2
2013-04-21 5123 STARTERS 1
2013-04-06 3214 3rd 0
2013-03-30 3212 STARTERS 8
2013-03-27 2013 CONSOLE 7
2013-03-23 1253 STARTERS 6
2013-03-16 3251 CONSOLE 5
2013-03-13 1923 STARTERS 4
2013-03-10 1032 STARTERS 3
2013-03-02 1235 STARTERS 2
2013-02-24 2631 CONSOLE 1
2013-02-20 1322 3rd 0
2013-02-17 3218 STARTERS 9
2013-02-16 2131 CONSOLE 8
2013-02-10 5321 STARTERS 7
2013-02-03 1324 STARTERS 6
2013-02-02 8213 STARTERS 5
2013-01-19 1293 STARTERS 4
2013-01-19 9132 CONSOLE 3
2013-01-19 2351 CONSOLE 2
2013-01-13 1302 CONSOLE 1
2013-01-06 3129 1st 0
2013-01-05 8321 CONSOLE 10
Msg #292
24-09-2014 02:25 am

will 2794 will strike this draw
Msg #293
24-09-2014 07:20 am

UNLIKELY 2794 will hit 1st in SGPools today...
Msg #294
24-09-2014 07:29 am


I have alwayz miss my big number.
Hence, from End of May - Early Sept = No hit at all. even small i-bet/i-play also ndak kena.
When i don't bet, the number reappear.

here is my list :- i done my own survey, thru the frequent month out from this year, last year, and last last year, check thru pau system, either way. Wanted to bet smart.

8992 - i miss
5158 - i miss
9399 - i miss
5339 - i miss
3033 - i miss
9223 - i miss
1826 - i miss

all i bet rm1 straight, rm2 - i-bet or i-play (Mostly i bet on 4DSportstoto, STC4D and Lotto88) cannot bet Magnum or SGpool or Da Ma Cai - from east malaysia.

I predict the one coming out straight number is
2627 in STC4d & Lotto88 = spot on STC4D but didn't bet :(
2827 in 4DToto & Lotto88 = coming soon tis month Sept/early OCT

Coming for Sept.

just sharing. bro. or any bro can comment.
Haven't hit any number since May 2014...so sad
Msg #295
24-09-2014 08:20 am

Hi manuk
Although you have done some works, I believe you played too many counters...

1) Playing too many counters, you need to spend more
2) You may be thinking that one number, you covered 3 counters that you surely will hit... But it does not seems so...

If you scale down you counter playing, I believe you will have higher chance of hitting or strikes...

Numbers trends, or cycle, you need to look into the areas and I believe you can do it...

Hope to hear from you laughing to the banks in coming draws...

Good Luck
Msg #296
24-09-2014 09:38 am

Master sifu... magnum counter advise please... 7419 and 7317.
Msg #297
24-09-2014 09:57 am

I think 1234 going to fall down fr heaven.,.hehe
Msg #298
24-09-2014 10:44 am

pls coment i pick from sifu giugno list
Msg #299
24-09-2014 10:49 am

Msg #300
24-09-2014 01:24 pm

Y cannot comment?^_^
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