MagYus (Fish Master) | Msg #1 01-06-2015 01:48 am Hi guys.. Welcome back.. new topic now is started.. M6 may open for 12-15 draws for each month.. hope.. if we are "lucky".. by our discussion we will hit at least one of them.. For me.. I may not join much in discussion between mid of June to mid of July becoz I will hv another activity to be handled.. deng.. you may proceed for the sharing now.. Tq guys.. and good luck !! |
MagYus (Fish Master) | Msg #2 01-06-2015 05:34 am copy from deng's msg.. Msg #900 (Magnum 4D Prediction May 2015) 01-06-2015 13:18:40 System39 Chart for Ist Draw; June 2015 Chart A---------Shadow 1----------Result A 1-5-1-5---------5-9-5-9-----------5717 0-6-0-6---------6-2-6-2-----------1687 4-8-4-8---------0-4-0-4-----------1196 Chart B----------Shadow 2---------Result B 1-5-1-5----------0-8-4-4----------9216 0-6-0-6----------1-3-7-7----------7163 4-8-4-8----------5-5-1-9----------6594/1486 Chart C----------Shadow 3---------Result C 2-9-5-6----------9-9-5-3----------7583 9-2-6-5----------2-2-6-8----------7874 3-4-0-7----------6-4-0-0----------7328 Results are the predicted numbers for the next draw... This is the only predictions as a guide to buy TCs but sometimes it is full 4Ds...or 3Ds.. So I suggest you buy 2 sets of each number ,one is straight and the orher one is Mbox..for code reading comparisons. You don't have to buy all numbers...just choose one or two numbers from Result 1-2 & 3. Let's say you choose 5717 from Result A. 6594 from Result B 7583 from Result C Buy it in two sets each. 5717-- straight 5717-- box 6594-- straight 6594-- mbox 7583-- straight 7583-- mbox Post them all into this forum and I will try to cai on that tc. One more thing,as a guide to buy LP.... Look for L code which started with 95XX,99xx,F1xx,5xxx,11xx,1Fxx if possible. OK guys ...good luck |
Gtk | Msg #3 01-06-2015 08:41 am Deng Here tc 1196=57BC 277A 7222 9199 1196=0BBB 7116 3303 EC88 mbox 1169=764B C790 4882 D268 1169=1EBB 4261 6812 B35B mbox 6594=0C1D 21C4 1982 64A1 6594=3273 127A 8282 0811 mbox 5717=1307 5E0B 2F63 EB1D 5717=787F D0D8 B672 3B01 mbox 9256=48DC 7B48 D422 4FD4 9256=2009 1D11 DC42 A26D Tq |
MagYus (Fish Master) | Msg #4 01-06-2015 09:05 am deng.. tc captured from other site to be reviewed; ------0139 83C9-9829-A832-89B7 3Dsm --> expected "039" From pairing view.. another digit could be 8/7/9/6 Rough view.. 0839, 0739, 0939 & 0639 Further for positioning review.. tq. |
jantzen | Msg #5 01-06-2015 09:05 am home...let's try our best for this month Deng... For L code that u want...must choose from L1 or any Lcode? Tq |
MagYus (Fish Master) | Msg #6 01-06-2015 09:10 am hi jantzen.. it could be L2 code becoz deng more focus on this.. btw.. let wait for a reply from him.. hi Gtk.. tqvm for ur early posted tcs as per system39 result.. let's start now.. |
jantzen | Msg #7 01-06-2015 09:27 am OK magyus...more focus now... |
MagYus (Fish Master) | Msg #8 01-06-2015 09:30 am juz to alert.. Special Draw by M6; 471/15 Tuesday 02/06/2015 (tomorrow). *deng.. in case u miss out this special draw as last week (rushing).. hihihi ^-^.. tq.. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #9 01-06-2015 10:00 am Hi everyone..hi gtk New month new hopes June...begins. ------1196 57BC 277A 7222 9199 1-2----3(9) 1-7----8(4)(6) 9-7----7(8)(2) 6-A----6(0)(7)(5) In this tc I only detect 1D..6.& 9 So we must do caiying process in order to identify another 2Ds as the partner for the 9xx6./xx96 We'll check the other one. Optionals -----'--1196 0BBB--7116 3303 EC88 mb 1-7----8(4)(6) 1-1----1(2) 9-1----1(8)(9) 6-6----6(7(0) In this tc 3D detected = 196. Its different the above tc even though the numbers are same. This is bcoz for mbox there are 12 permutations in in one card with 12 different combinations . While for straight bet ..only one. So to identify the correct missing digit(s) will not be easy. But I I'll try my best .. Predictions:. From 1st tc .. 9826**** 3876 7296**** From 2nd tc 8296 7296 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #10 01-06-2015 10:22 am Cont. -------1169 764B--C790 4882 D268 1-C----9(1)(3)(7) 1-7----8(4)(6) 6-9----6(3) 9-0----9(1) -------1169 1EBB--4261 6812 B35B mbox 1-4----7(5) 1-2----9(3) 6-6----6(7)(0) 9-1----1(9)(8) From these two TCs I still found 2Ds in straight bet 6 & 9 and 3Ds in mbox version...169 Same as 1196 mbox version ..there are 3Ds found. So,at this moment I assume in 1196/1169 we only have 2Ds /3Ds for different numbers. I must find in mbox ..which positions of 169 the 3Ds could be. Predictions From 1st tc 9861 9638 From 2nd tc 7369 3961 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #11 01-06-2015 10:31 am Cont These two tc looks better. ------'-6594 0C1D--21C4 1982 64A1 6-2-----6(9)(3) 5-1-----5(1) 9-C-----9(3)(8) 4-4-----4(5)(7) -------'6594 3273--'127A 8282 0811 mbox 6-1----6 5-2----9(2)(5) 9-7----4(7) 4-A----5(6)(7)(4) gtk could u snap these 2 tc and email to me. Pls snap the whole card including the barcode on the left side.tq |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #12 01-06-2015 10:41 am Msg #4 01-06-2015 17:05:23 deng.. tc captured from other site to be reviewed; Noted...magyus ------0139 83C9-9829-A832-89B7 0-9---0/1 1-8---1/3/7 3-2---3/1 9-9---9/8 Yes agreed. 039 = 3Ds... 139 = also 3Ds 013 = also 3Ds xx39 It might be full ...I'll check this number again using my system to be sure if the numbers are full. 3Dsm --> expected "039" From pairing view.. another digit could be 8/7/9/6 Rough view.. 0839, 0739, 0939 & 0639 Further for positioning review.. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #13 01-06-2015 10:50 am Msg #5 01-06-2015 17:05:31 home...let's try our best for this month Deng... For L code that u want...must choose from L1 or any Lcode? Tq Tq jantzen...magyus... For me as what magyus mentioned in above thread..I m more focusing on L2 code... But I never said other L codes doesn't have meaning...they hv their own. I still refer to the other 3 L codes before doing my "job"..;-).. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #14 01-06-2015 10:55 am Will continue tonite ... |
jantzen | Msg #15 01-06-2015 11:22 am Ok deng Coz I found many tc from other group which contain what u need on L code...will copy n paste here for our reff...tq |
Gtk | Msg #16 01-06-2015 11:33 am Deng Email to u already |
MagYus (Fish Master) | Msg #17 01-06-2015 11:36 am jantzen.. if u captured from other side.. deng and i may be already viewed saperately in advance.. then normally we will borrow and post it here when we hv identified there are 3Ds or FULL inside that tcs.. eg; Msg#4--tc 0139-- identified hv 3Ds or FULL to be discussed.. Guys.. LP tcs that what we desire perhaps its coming from any M6 outlets bought by members here personally becoz that tcs deng and i never see it yet.. We did informed on last month topic to avoid double "cai-ying" happen.. Tq. |
jantzen | Msg #18 01-06-2015 02:24 pm Noted magyus....tq for the info |
Nisha81 | Msg #19 01-06-2015 03:52 pm June June June... My favourite mth coz it's my bday month and my anniversary, too.. I believe I have good luck this mth so let me share it with all of u... Luck spells coming ur way...! Deng, thanks for the chart sharing. Quick question.. Msg #9 01-06-2015 18:00:50 -----'--1196 0BBB--7116 3303 EC88 mb 1-7----8(4)(6) 1-1----1(2) 9-1----1(8)(9) 6-6----6(7(0) In this tc 3D detected = 196. Predictions:. From 1st tc .. 9826**** 3876 7296**** From 2nd tc |
Nisha81 | Msg #20 01-06-2015 03:59 pm Sorry sthing wrong when I copy and paste... All my words became double.. Haih.. Anyway my question if thethe ifif 3 |