» » 4DLogy_MKT April 2017

Msg #21
17-04-2017 02:36 am

hi Asusah.. i do received the email, just now. will study it..and try to help what i can.. thanks

Msg #22
17-04-2017 08:55 am

Halo anybody here play 2d game i mean back pair, the prize is rm98 in my area, but keep in mind this only for rm1 bet . can buy from blackmarket or online. its  easy to predict 2 digit then 4 digit and also cover the cost playing 4d game try it

Msg #23
17-04-2017 09:06 am

hi Asusah, do you mind to droup me your method to my email as well />

thanks a lot for sharing!

Msg #24
17-04-2017 10:08 am

Hi bro yaki,

I know some place can play back 2D straight. Juz like kaki2angka in past-past thread. i never try to predict back 2D so i dont have the knowledge. But you can share ur method here and it will be lot of help for us in finding straight 4D nos. We here also can add some info for to make it even more pre cise and consistent.

Sis prettyk

I've send the zpread ro you..

Msg #25
17-04-2017 10:54 am

Thanks Asusah, received. Downloading now and internet is slow from my side.

I always use history/past draw result to place my bet.. it's much more simple and thanks god I hit 5 times from Jan'2017.. though never hit Podium. Earnestly need all sifus/master here to guide me .. Thank you so much all.

Msg #26
17-04-2017 11:11 am

hi bro asusah i only play magnum,dmc,toto overdue back pair to play for every week, yeah sometimes hit sometimes no hit coming but i think missing back pair sum/root sum also good but need more study tq

Msg #27
17-04-2017 11:25 am

Sis prettyk,

Good fortune to you.. Keep on winning and never try to become greedy.. 

Bro yaki,

I think i have something on back 2D Prediction. Sometimes when the clue is clear in my spread u will know group nos will play in specific position. In my spread have freq analysis on specific position for all prize & podium..

Msg #28
17-04-2017 03:21 pm

Bro, received your email. thank you.  

Msg #29
17-04-2017 07:35 pm

hello bro yaki.. im mike, i only play magnum.. did u know how to bett online? im meant trusted black online.. thanks

Msg #30
17-04-2017 08:06 pm

My msg seems to have disappeared.

Bro Asusah, my email is tykosam@outlook

Bro mike, drop me an email if you're still interested in online betting.

Msg #31
17-04-2017 08:11 pm

Hi bro mike i regularly bet at spade2u.com but sometimes at 7luck88.net(PS bet). Here is magnum prediction for wed draw;









Msg #32
17-04-2017 09:21 pm

Bro tykosam ur email is incomplete..

Msg #33
17-04-2017 09:25 pm

I'll send a new 1

Msg #34
17-04-2017 09:31 pm

Hi, Asusah,

I'm interested on your method.here is my email add,


Msg #35
17-04-2017 10:14 pm

Msg send. It's quite long but hopefully can be useful. With that, my selection of Magnum 3D this wed will be 942 and/or 510. Target at best will be special.

Msg #36
17-04-2017 10:34 pm

Bro richard i've send the email

Msg #37
17-04-2017 11:32 pm


2D Pod MKT

05 08 58

Msg #38
18-04-2017 05:09 pm

Yaki, you alway buy 4d at spade2u ? if you strike 4d how long you can receive the money ?

Msg #39
18-04-2017 06:58 pm

Normally 5-10 minutes via bank transfer bro

Msg #40
18-04-2017 10:01 pm

thanks yaki..

this my magnum for wed draw yaki..ONLY 1 digit each number will be replace and it position maybe will reposition too.. 1 missing digit can be found through tc cai. dont buy my number if u dont know how to cai..waste money.


yaki. i want to compare it some data with you. if free then can email to me. thanks  here my email ihpg.eng(@gmaildotcom


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