deng (Cai Master) | Msg #1 01-08-2016 01:59 am Welcomes the new month of August. Hope this new month we have supports from all members. Tqvm to everybody who always shared their tcs or LPs last month. And remember...please share only your own Magnum tc or lp here. I will do my best to help members of this forum to look for the best possible correct numbers and prepare the circle charts for you to choose the best 4D. And again I would like to ask from you...pls share only your own tc or lp...don't share tc or lp from other groups or avoid any conflicts. We do cai in easy way...we want everybody happy..but of course the results from my cai or chart are not guaranteed will hit any prizes. What we do only..try my best to get the best as possible as I could to identify the correct numbers in the tcs or that we can get the clue before we pace our bet. So...your cooperation are most appreciated. Hopefully this month..which is also my Birthday month...( hahaha ) will bring more lucks and joy to all of us. Tq so much for all your support so far...I hope more tcs or LPs will be shared by our members.
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #2 02-08-2016 03:03 am Hi guys... After been waiting for so long ..finally I can login successfully.. Here are some LPs share by a friend but refused to be named. Tq so much bro. 1. 4702 3E91-C9E9-F581-8C92 4-C--------9/3 7-9--------7 0-E--------1/0 2-9--------2 @9712 @3712 @3702 2. 1519 00FB-CBAA-F232-28D7 1-C------1/9 5-B------8 1-A------1 9-A------9 @1819 @9819 3. 9868----(9xxx)*** 8B92-0133-E482-5BE9 9-0-------9/0 8-1-------8/2 6-3-------4/6 8-3-------4/8 @9844 @9864 @9244 @9288 4. 1395 75B4-2942-0F22-8DAC 1-2--------3/9 3-9--------3/0 9-4--------4/5 5-2--------2/9 @3042 @3049 @3342 @9342 5. 5085 2CCC-A01A-5B42-3FD6 5-A-------5 0-0-------0/1 8-1-------8/2 5-A-------6/5 @5086 @5026 @5186 @5085 @5185 6. 7187---(7xx7)*** 77CA-A86A-EB52-C278 7-A-------7 1-8-------9/1 8-6-------7/3 7-A-------7 @7137* @7937 @7977 @7177 7. 9301---(93xx)*** 549B-8FCD-6D12-78B1 9-8-------9 3-F-------3 0-C-------(?)(9)(3)(1)(8) 1-D-------1 @93x1 @9381 @9331 @9391 @9311 8. 7(28)1---(x28x) 0114-8274-D471-7B84 7-8------9/1 2-2------2/3/4 8-7------8 1-4------5/7 @9285* @1285* @9287 @1287* @9385 9. 3981 568C-42DC-1F53-2308 3-4-------5/7 9-2-------9/3/2 8-D-------8 1-C-------9/3 @5389* @7983 10. 6085 62F9-0535-A862-35FA 6-0-------6 0-5-------6/0 8-3-------8/4 5-5-------5/6 @6045 @6085 @6645 @6685 11. 4868 16CE-7BDC-7042-3DCD 4-7--------1/4/8 8-B--------8 6-D--------6 8-C--------9 @1869 @8869 @4869* 12. 3(561)----(x561)*** 8756-B (FFD)-9422-7FC3 3-B-------8/7 5-F-------5 6-F-------6 1-D-------1 @8561*** @7561* 13. 4136 76B8-(1A71-A771)-60DA 4-1--------4/7 1-A--------1 3-7--------8 6-1--------6 @4186 @7186 14. 9092 7C2F-1FF6-1D02-D36A 9-1--------1/2/9/8 0-F--------0/2 9-F--------9 2-6--------7 @1097** @2097* @9097 @8097 15. 9464 6322-0C6D-0813-3EF2 9-0--------9/0 4-C--------9/2 6-6--------6/0/2 4-D--------4 @9264 @0964 @0264 @0924 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #3 02-08-2016 03:04 am Pls take notes: all the above LPs are straight bet. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #4 02-08-2016 04:39 pm Guys..choose carefully . My circle chart for today 4--9--2--5 6--8--7--4 1--8--0--3 3--2--3--6 Remember all 4d you chose must be connected to each others. Recommended 3Ds areas below: @287 @986 @376 @823 @384 @870 @579 @574 # good luck guys. |
jackson | Msg #5 02-08-2016 05:36 pm You all wellcome to the new Month of August. I did not know that today is Tuesday special Draw,even though I have some Tcs to share but its already late, Looking forward to Wednesday draw. Master Deng Please kindly check your mail box |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #6 02-08-2016 05:53 pm Corrections on circle charts. Guys..choose carefully . My circle chart for today 4--9--2--5 6--8--7--4 1--8--0--3 3--2--7--6------> corrected (7)...not 3 # sorry for the trouble caused by this minor error. Others are not affected Tq Remember all 4d you chose must be connected to each others. Recommended 3Ds areas below: @287 @986 @376 @823 @384 @870 @579 @574 # good luck guys. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #7 02-08-2016 05:53 pm Corrections on circle charts. Guys..choose carefully . My circle chart for today 4--9--2--5 6--8--7--4 1--8--0--3 3--2--7--6------> corrected (7)...not 3 # sorry for the trouble caused by this minor error. Others are not affected Tq Remember all 4d you chose must be connected to each others. Recommended 3Ds are as below: @287 @986 @376 @823 @384 @870 @579 @574 # good luck guys. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #8 02-08-2016 05:53 pm Corrections on circle charts. Guys..choose carefully . My circle chart for today 4--9--2--5 6--8--7--4 1--8--0--3 3--2--7--6------> corrected (7)...not 3 # sorry for the trouble caused by this minor error. Others are not affected Tq Remember all 4d you chose must be connected to each others. Recommended 3Ds areas below: @287 @986 @376 @823 @384 @870 @579 @574 # good luck guys. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #9 03-08-2016 03:34 pm Hi guys... We haven't receive any tc yet... I think its better if I post my circle chart first and you can choose your 4D. 1--7--2--0 5--6--8--3 4--6--3--5 4--1--9--2 |
jackson | Msg #10 03-08-2016 11:45 pm Maters Deng , The Circle chart , 5683 came out staight M6 cons. |
jackson | Msg #11 03-08-2016 11:47 pm If you can post ealier even tomorrow , so we can use it to bet for Cai |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #12 04-08-2016 02:56 am Hi Jackson.. I did sent at about 3.30 yday give members the chance to choose their 4D and i hope those who buy from the chart can share their tc so tat we can look further if there are clues in the tc...but looks like nobody gives any response ... I will try to post earlier members can buy early tc or lp ...then..share them here I found lately more of our members are comfortable to be a CCTV tc posted here. We are here to share the cai... One of our regular member even email tonme...and asked me don't share his tc to forum...bcoz according to him....only one or two are willing to share their TCS...this is true. This situation may not fair to him.or those who always contributes to this forum...while others are just waiting for someone else to post their tcs...and wait for the cai.. Its not healthy. I hope our members pls take part and give your cooperation for the sake of our forums. If we have no tc to point we create the topic in this forum. So...I hope for the next draw...more tc will be shared here. Tqvm. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #13 04-08-2016 03:06 am Result Updates Magnum 4D 萬能 Date: 03-08-2016 (Wed)Draw No: 681/16 1st Prize 首獎9549 2nd Prize 二獎5087 3rd Prize 三獎2437 Special 特別獎 3474----8774----6305 32725134951900905547 ----23227706 Consolation 安慰獎 39458369262206977364 56838621474898978748 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #14 04-08-2016 03:09 am Magnum 4D 9519 0090 5547 2322 7706 |
jackson | Msg #15 05-08-2016 05:49 pm Hi Master Deng, Tcs Draw 6682/16 3558 Str. 6ED6-687B-9802-D85E 8534 Str. 774C-3B3F-CA52-2714 2128 Str. 8BA1-9F8C-2C62-AF95 6365 Str. 142D-5B69-0853-4DBC 4507 Lp 739F-9007-5862-AB8D 7193 Lp 0700-6C59-2A82-679B kindly check your mail TQVM |
Sherbern | Msg #16 05-08-2016 08:33 pm Hi Master Deng, Sorry no post for a while. Just FYI, I would only post tc's when I do buy just to avoid any understanding.. budget liao????. Anyway, here are my numbers for you to cai.. 8364 565D 3A14 9002 47E3 4962 8C36 2725 9912 D86D 4900 8C02 7AD5 7712 67DE Hopefully something will come out of these numbers.. Chow. |
Sherbern | Msg #17 05-08-2016 08:35 pm Sorry, I meant misunderstanding.. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #18 06-08-2016 03:16 am Hi jackson... Tq for your tc. Draw 6682/16 1. 3558 Str. 6ED6-687B-9802-D85E 3-6-------7 5-8-------9(8) 5-7-------8/6 8-B-------8 @7988 @7968* @7868 2. 8534 Str. 774C-3B3F-CA52-2714 8-3--------8/4 5-B--------7/8 3-3--------3/4 4-F--------4 @8734** @4844 @8834* @4834 3. 2128 Str. 8BA1-9F8C-2C62-AF95 2-9--------2 1-F--------1/2 2-8--------9 8-C--------8 @2198** @2298** 4. 6365 Str. 142D-5B69-0853-4DBC 6-5---------6 3-B---------8/7 6-6---------6/7 5-9---------9/5 @6879* @6875* @6869 @6865 @6769 @6765* #Choose wisely from these sets... 5. 4507 Lp 739F-9007-5862-AB8D 4-9---------4 5-0---------5/0 0-0---------0/1 7-7---------7/8 @4507 @4508 @4517 @4518 6. 7193 Lp 0700-6C59-2A82-679B 7-6--------7 1-C--------9 9-5--------9/5/6 3-9--------3 @7953* @7963* @7993 mail checked..tq |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #19 06-08-2016 03:22 am Hi Sherbern Tq for your tc 1. 8364 565D 3A14 9002 47E3 8-3--------8/4 3-A--------3 6-1--------6 4-4--------4/5/7 @8364* @8365* @8367* @4365--4367--4364 2. 4962 8C36 2725 9912 D86D 4-C--------3/9 9-7--------7/8 6-2--------8/3/9 2-5--------2/6 @3782* @3786 @3796* @9782* @9786** @3736 @9836* # pls choose wisely... 3. 4900 8C02 7AD5 7712 67DE 4-7--------4(8) 9-A--------9 0-D--------0 0-5--------6 @4906* @8906** |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #20 06-08-2016 03:34 am Hi Sherbern and all members. I hope you all don't misinterpret what I am trying to earlier message. What I mean...for the past few draws...almost no tc has been shared so I can't do anything to help you cai...with limited tc..we don't have much choices to pick or to compare wat are good to be picked as your final bet. So I encourage members to share their TCS so that other members also gets the benefits I never force people to buy tc and share them here. When we talking about getting the TCS or LPs ..its all about money... Yes I do understand are definitely involved. I just want members who always being a CCTV here give your supports like other friends did. That's its a win win situation. Everybody gets te benefits...and we all happy if we strikes...and if we don't...we still here caiying and caiying until we successful...we must think positively in order to win this 4D games...and smart in action or choosing the right and correct 4D numbers. Anyway thanks to both Jackson and Sherbern who never give up...and all members of this forum...come on...let's work together..OK. Tqvm |