» » Gentle reminder to members

(Master Sifu)
Msg #1
28-02-2012 10:00 pm

Hi Everybody,
A gentle reminder to members who have asked me for their Lucky Periods and Lucky Fortunate Cycles.
Mark it somewhere in your diary or calender to remind yourself.
You can afford to miss your lucky periods (Everyone has a few lucky periods in a year) but make sure you do not miss your Fortunate Cycles because you will have to wait between 2 to 4 years for the next one to come around.
If you are unsure, please go to topic "It helps to know your lucky days and periods" and refresh your memory as to how to calculate your own fortunate cycle.
Msg #2
29-02-2012 12:12 am

Dear Best4(Master Sifu)

Tks for the reminder. Noted:)
(Master Sifu)
Msg #3
29-02-2012 08:47 am

Hi Shane621,
Last night (Tuesday) 8226 was drawn 3rd prize at Magnum counter.Does this number ring a bell.
Your partner is right now in his Fortunate Cycle which will end on 7th May 2012.
I remembered 2826 was one of his lucky numbers.If he boxed it he would have a small windfall.
Check it out.
Msg #4
29-02-2012 07:48 pm

thank you for the reminder Best4.
can i just run a few things by you to see if i understand mine correctly.
my age is not among those you mentioned so i guess my fortunate cycle is not this year but next.
my lucky days are 1,5 and 7 or whatever dates that's added to make a single digit.
since my birth month is september (9)..my lucky period is not till May. i will note the month and dates you have given.
since my lucky numbers are 9 and 7..can it be a single number in the 4d or must come together such as 97..

is there anything else i should look out for?

thank you.
(Master Sifu)
Msg #5
29-02-2012 09:40 pm

Hi Lucky,
I am so glad that you asked,this shows that you are geniunely interested.I am sure a lot of members asked but may not follow them.
If you are sure your Fortunate Cycle is next year,then it should commence on 25th May 2013 and ends on 24th January 2014.
Your lucky numbers are 9 and 7. If you buy any 4D numbers, as long as there is a 9 or 7 in the 4D combination,it should favour you,however, if both 9 and 7 are present then your chances of striking will be amplified, eg "9763" was a very lucky number cause if you add them up 9+7+6+3 = 25. Single digit number for 25 is 2+5 = 7 (one of your lucky number)
So next time when you decide to buy any 4D combination, just add them up and see whether the single digit turns out to be 7 or 9.Now of course you still can buy any 4D combination that does not add up to 7 or 9.
Now every month you look out for these dates 7th, 16th and 25th.
If these dates fall on a "lottery day" either Tuesday,Wednesday,Saturday and Sunday your chances of striking are also good.
Now using a desk calendar you can circle all these dates and also your lucky periods for the rest of this year.These should be done every year cause your lucky days and lucky periods will remain the same for the rest of your life including your lucky numbers of 9 and 7.
Msg #6
29-02-2012 10:01 pm

Best how bout mine?
(Master Sifu)
Msg #7
29-02-2012 11:36 pm

Hi Andrewcmf,
Tell me honestly,how many counters do you bet your numbers on every draw,and how many numbers do you buy ? (I hope your list of numbers are not as long as Jalan Bukit Bintang)Heh must learn to control yourself.
If you want more tips, read my article under the topic "Lucky numbers from 90 years ago" you will find 2 lucky numbers that are tailor made for you.
Msg #8
01-03-2012 10:17 am

Best4 thank you..
the best part is when you say lucky days and periods will be the same for the rest of my life...
now at least i can slowly try and work on understanding it more.

i have marked down the dates you mentioned on my calendar..more as a reminder it's my lucky day..more as a confidence booster and feel good factor, even if it's not on a draw day.

i've tried adding up the numbers i'm buying and so far none adds up to my lucky numbers!! now i know why it's not coming up.

my spouse shares the same birthday as geminiz..which is 15th june..so i presumed he shares the same lucky numbers and periods too. i've also noted those down.

i think that's it for now before i'm labelled as long winded!! :D
(Master Sifu)
Msg #9
01-03-2012 11:45 am

Hi Lucky,
You are a smart but modest person.Now you are beginning to get the drift of numerology.If you are doing business or holding a position of authority, dates like the 7th,16th and 25th of each month will put you in an advantage when signing contracts or making important decisions.
Yes your spouse will share the same lucky numbers and periods.The Fortunate Cycle will depend on the birth year.Your spouse can look forward to the 6th,15th and 24th of each month
for good things to happen.
Msg #10
01-03-2012 01:45 pm

haha best4 sifu i bet all 3 counter. 1 time i bet total rm30-45...
1 time 3-5 set ibet.
thx for your info i go have a look 1st =)
Msg #11
01-03-2012 02:14 pm

I play small small only, 1 counter around rm10-15 every draw.
3-5set numbers( IBET ) and 1 straight number per draw. ( never strike on straight number......... yet )
My list of numbers are not as long as Jalan Bukit Bintang... lol
Everytime before i go buy, i study the pattern of striked number and sifusssss's prediction 1st.
Then only i pick and buy the number i think got the highest chance to win.
I like the feel when i strike regardless the win is small or big.

Msg #12
08-03-2012 09:14 am

Hey, that sounds like a fun way to play! I think it's really smart to study the patterns and check out the predictions before you buy your numbers. Even if you’re playing with small amounts, it really adds to the excitement, right? And who knows, sometimes those small wins can feel just as good as the big ones! Keep at it, and maybe one day your straight number will come through. Good luck with your next draw, lah! ?
Msg #13
21-03-2012 04:19 am

No problem one! Betting can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, especially with so many options out there. As for how many counters I go for, I usually stick to a few that I feel good about—no need to stretch the list too long, lah!
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