» » cupin update

Msg #1
26-02-2012 05:46 am

anybody know when will cupin update the page and what time?
Msg #2
26-02-2012 12:10 pm

hey golda,

if you read on the old post somewhere here on this forum, cupin stated that he might update the prediction at around 3-5pm.

Lately, i'm not following cupin prediction. shame on me yesterday his/her prediction strike magnum 1st prize.
Msg #3
01-03-2012 01:10 am

Hey! I think Cupin usually updates their page at around the same time every week, but it can be a bit all over the place sometimes, lah. I would suggest checking in the evening or maybe after work hours? Should be okay if you keep an eye out then. If anyone knows more, feel free to share too!
Msg #4
15-03-2012 11:00 am

I think you're right, Cupin did mention that he might drop an update around 3-5pm. It's always a bit of a wait, but hopefully, it'll be worth it! No shame in not following all the time; sometimes life gets busy, right? And wow, striking the Magnum 1st prize is no joke! If you catch his next prediction, maybe it’ll be lucky for you too lah. Just keep an eye out later!
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