3Dstriker | Msg #1 01-03-2018 12:43 am Hello everyone. It's been awhile. Read some of your post previously and it seems there are still some interest for 4d prediction. Let's see if those interest are still hot or had gone completely cold. Interesting comment from master g128 regarding giving and receiving luck. |
3Dstriker | Msg #2 01-03-2018 01:06 am I'm sharing my chart for this Saturday draw. At the moment, it's only useful for getting 3D but not just any 3D but podium 3D. Previously it can give 4D for special and once awhile, podium 4D. 9 8 4 4 5 1 4 1 Those with keen eyes would probably know how those digits came about. Anyway, it could be used for finding 3D. Digit 9 or 5 must be used if you are reading from left to right. 4 or 1 must be used if looking at it from right to left. Sample : 981 985 951 984 518 514 448 444 144 141 Those 3D should be combined with digits that are not there - 0 2 3 6 7 or turn it into m12 (e.g 3D 984 - 9844 9884 or 9984).
kakipau | Msg #3 02-03-2018 11:20 pm hi 3d striker....how do you make the prediction chart.do you use draw history to construct such one? |
3Dstriker | Msg #4 03-03-2018 01:03 am Hi there kakipau. 1st and foremost, is that chart truly effective? If it's not, how it came about really does not matter at all. Let's see how it performed on this draw. 1 thing for sure, I don't use draw no to construct it and it is only for m6. There are 3 sets of 3D that I'm targetting - 411 541 and 844. The remaining digits are still being considered. A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE TO REMEMBER!!! I'M NOT A SIFU OR MASTER. I'M JUST A PUNTER LIKE THE REST OF YOU OUT THERE. ALL I'M DOING IS SHARING MY METHOD IN GETTING 4D. THERE ARE TRUE MASTER IN PREDICTING 4D BUT IT SEEMS THEY ARE NOT YET WILLING TO SHARE THEM WITH US AT THE MOMENT. |
3Dstriker | Msg #5 03-03-2018 01:31 am Need to add something here. This is not my personal thread. Others can come in and contribute as well. If possible, tell us your method in making your prediction so as to eliminate the feeling of just giving but never receiving. It does took some effort to post here. If it is just a 1 way traffic, very soon the post will be less and less before this thread will become completely empty. For those that don't have any prediction method, you can still contribute by posting tickect codes especially if the numbers bought came from tips found in here. There are plenty of those around that have some degree of expertice in reading them and perhaps could tell us the possibility of that number to a hit or miss. |
ALAS | Msg #6 03-03-2018 11:09 am Magnum 2d 84 strong |
3Dstriker | Msg #7 03-03-2018 11:39 am Here are my initial nos to buy today 411 + 3?? 541 + 2 or 5?? 844 + 3?? Any suggestion anyone? |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #8 03-03-2018 12:53 pm Good afternoon, @3DStriker for the comments #4 I have been sharing my Pandora (Not method of how to construct Pandora) and sometimes 4D numbers for many years and currently, only a handfull trustworthy members. Everyone has their own reasons to post and share, but sometimes, it really hurt for some punters or ex-members starting to have negative remarks or stated things that is not true... Some we do not know who they are (but sometimes, can tell some from other 4D circles aims to achieve their goals). But the MOST Important is the 4D Organisations especially SGPools HQ. They do preparing EVERY Draw based on certain "system" that made our the predictors job more difficult each time. That is also why, I only share for those I know actually who they are in my small group (even sharing some formulaes). Like more Sifus, I believe every each of them has found certain way or methods to predict 4D. Likewise, till today, improving methods etc derived from non-stop trying.... Coments on msg#5 " tell us your method in making your prediction so as to eliminate the feeling of just giving but never receiving." Nevertheless, I have gone thru all the sweets and painful times giving predictions. You will be the same when your times come. |
3Dstriker | Msg #9 03-03-2018 02:03 pm To the great master g128. I beg for your forgiveness. What I'm trying to say is to compliment the comment that you made before. It's very true that you're always giving and believe me when I say that I'm truly gratefull. It's you that made me start thingking and working to find ways to have a better way of buying 4D and there were so many podium hits happened after learning (reading your old post). Because of you, I don't go and buy numbers blindly. Every numbers bought after learning from you are based on 3D data and 4D history. It's the others here that I'm addressing to when talking abaut giving and receiving. Since I'm never a sifu, I was hoping that others would also contribute and maybe all of us get the benefit from that contribution - while we give, we receive as well. I would never undermine master g128 contributions. |
3Dstriker | Msg #10 03-03-2018 02:21 pm As for method, it's better to have 2 heads than 1. I'm sharing my charts now rather than just giving 3D or 4D prediction because there are many possibilities from that chart alone. Maybe someone else can see a good number from it that I did not. We're not taking money away from each other. If the number hit, the operators are the one having to pay the winning prize. The chart here is the first time been shared by me. Previously, I only share method to find 3D. It's still working but hardly giving podium 3D. Mostly for consolation and sometimes special 3D. The chart however, give podium 3D (up until draw no 970). So far, I manage to taste 3 podium hits since I first started to use this chart from early Feb. But I also would like to highlight that I miss podium 13 time as well during that period. That is the reason I'm sharing my chart. I want to change from missing 13 podium to hitting 13 podium!! Sharing method is good for understanding what ever ways we use to make prediction. It will make it easier for others to help if they understand. |
3Dstriker | Msg #11 03-03-2018 02:31 pm Here is a chart for Toto. It's also good for podium but not always for 4D. Sometime it only show 3D (the last draw, the chart only give 3D but before that, It was full 4D). Since I don't collect any data for Toto, I don't really know what numbers to buy and had never played Toto as well for the past 1 year. 7 0 6 9 3 9 7 2 It's best just to give it a look for now. Wait and see if it can truly provide any 3D or 4D before spending any money on it. |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #12 03-03-2018 02:43 pm Hi 3DStriker I am very pleased that after you read the old posts that made you start thinking, starts to learn predictions and no longer buying 4D blindly. This is an open forum, everyone can read. Nothing wrong of you to share... and in order to make your prediction more accurate as before, you need to combine all kinds of method even very simple one you can find. Surely, every methods need to monitor and tracking... I can see your chart is rather good ... just keep up the good work. Predictions sometimes need not to be complicated.... even simple +1111 like the cupin formulae will do also... just need to know when to stop adding +1111 Goiod Luck |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #13 03-03-2018 02:47 pm Based on your msg#11 Can try 8114 box. Good Luck |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #14 03-03-2018 02:50 pm Opps is msg#7 not msg#11 |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #15 03-03-2018 03:06 pm Look at this chart.... if the podium for this Sat appeared in here. Study and try to figure out how? |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #16 03-03-2018 03:08 pm Or see the below chart |
3Dstriker | Msg #17 03-03-2018 04:31 pm This is a very clear example of giving and receiving. The sifus and master are out there watching. If we're not just receiving, they would make an appearance to come and help us. Try and put forward whatever method of prediction that we have and one day they will come forward to give us advice. If we kept on asking for tips and never make an attempt to give, they have no reason to comply to our demand. A million thanks to master g128 for the tips accompanied with data as well. |
3Dstriker | Msg #18 03-03-2018 04:37 pm Some of us here might take master g128 tips above. Why not give back by posting codes based on that no. I won't be surprised if this thread is flooded with advice from people that possess some knowledge of code reading. |
ALAS | Msg #19 03-03-2018 05:50 pm My selection of 3d 843 844 |
3Dstriker | Msg #20 03-03-2018 06:45 pm 5142 1431 4118 1855 8443 6484 Final m6 no for me today str8/box Toto 9772 and 9762 box Good luck all!!! |