3Dstriker | Msg #1 31-10-2017 09:16 pm Welcome to the new topic! Contributions are more than welcomed. If you prefer just to sit and watch, there's no problem with that. Hopefully you can bear with my constent blabbering here! Let's begin the prediction for draw #909 Missing podium digits - 9 Starting podium digits - 3 4 8 Possible podium 2D 39 49 89 Possible 3D 039 089 359 459 I will notify if there are any further update to the list of predicted 3D.
Ladygaga | Msg #2 01-11-2017 09:14 am Hello guys which one you prefer hottest 2d or coldest 2d? My ramalan for hottest 2d are 14/27/01/03/08/13/45 and for hottest 3d are 014/134/145/013/018/038 My ramalan for coldest 3d are 019/137/139/178/189/237/278/378/379 pilih2 yg terbaik!! |
3Dstriker | Msg #3 01-11-2017 09:38 am Welcome to the forum Ladygaga. Thanks for the contribution. Can you define the meaning of HOTTEST and COLDEST please. |
Ladygaga | Msg #4 01-11-2017 10:42 am Hi bro 3Dstriker hottest/coldest 2D=highest/lowest frequency, say the last 21 podium numbers the hottest 2D is 14/27. If you want to use a different number of drawings is okay no problema. |
3Dstriker | Msg #5 01-11-2017 11:35 am Thanks Ladygaga for that input. I'm going to try and make 1 set of 3D combining 1 of your hottest 2D with 1 of my predicted podium 2D 14 + 94 = 149. There are other combo that are possible but that's already in my list of 3D. 08 + 89 = 089 45 + 59 = 459 With that, my final 3D prediction for today would be : 039 089 149 359 459 When 1 of the predicted 3D is 459 or 059 or 049 or 045, I will always buy 0459. I never check for it's monthly hits count (now will be NOV hits count). It's my cari makan 4D. |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #6 01-11-2017 03:30 pm Good afternoon Panodra for the Wed Draw Magnum 1-Nov-2017 There are many ways to monitor or tracking good numbers using the HOT/COLD method. The most important is to have a good monitoring system and good analysis skills. The above is a my simple HOT/COLD tracking for podium numbers only. Good Luck |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #7 01-11-2017 03:33 pm For Magnum 1-Nov-2017 Will the following numbers coming out? For Magnum
Good Luck all |
Ladygaga | Msg #8 01-11-2017 05:41 pm Wow master pandora powerful system, my ramalan str/mbox 1379/3719/7378/7379/7837/7839/7913/8379/8719 9173/9378/9837/9913 |
3Dstriker | Msg #9 01-11-2017 06:22 pm Thanks again master g128. I can see 2 of my predicted 3D inside your pandora 149 + 7 or 8 459 + ??? My choice is only 0459. |
3Dstriker | Msg #10 01-11-2017 07:47 pm Result update : Podium 2D - none 3D 359 - special ???? 089 - consolation Digit 9 is still missing from podium. I was hoping for another podium today but I'll settle with m12 special. Let's move on for Saturday!!! |
Ladygaga | Msg #11 01-11-2017 08:03 pm Hangusss luckily I bet only 0.50¢ per number heeheee |
3Dstriker | Msg #12 01-11-2017 08:08 pm I hope master g128 can clarify further on the method used to get 4D from your pandora. Today's 1st prize can be found from 1 out of the 3 provided. 1174, 2236 and some others could also be found in there. I have and will always believe master g128 pandora is such a powerfull tool when playing 4D. I hope with further explanation, most of us punters can reap the reward from it. ***Method - how to pick the 4D and not how to create pandora. Predicting 3D is hard enough for me. I need more consistency before even thinking about doing something else. |
3Dstriker | Msg #13 01-11-2017 08:14 pm There is always another draw Ladygaga. Who knows maybe the next draw you could hit all 3 podium numbers. |
3Dstriker | Msg #14 01-11-2017 08:34 pm Prediction for draw #910 Missing podium digits - 9 Starting podium digits - 2 7 8 Possible podium 2D 29 79 89 Possible 3D 029 129 189 389 589 Additional 3D (selected from 4D in draw #909 that begins with the missing podium digit - 9. 4D is 9394) 349 There are 6 sets of 3D predicted for next Saturday. I will post again if there are any further update on that list. |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #15 02-11-2017 10:22 am Good morning 3DStriker The 5E Pandora is designed using just the podium numbers to generate. Mainly to forecast 3D/4D for the coming draws.... If you have some skills to predict 2D or 3D or even 4D, take the 5E Pandora as reference... If your 3D has the similar 3D in the Pandora, from there, you can use the 4th digit in the Pandora to form you 4D numbers. If you are the 5E Pandora fan, you should keep all past 5E Pandora charts up to max 5 draws. Those Groups (3 Groups per draw) did not open now will open within 3 draws. And you can use to capture more accurate 4D numbers if you monitoring and tracking the 4D using the 5E Pandora. Fine tune your 3D predictions, sooner or later you will have a break thru... like what I have been thru many times.... Cheers and Good Luck |
g128 (Pandora Master) | Msg #16 02-11-2017 10:24 am Currently I am focuing predicting position for podium 4D....still in process and had a break thru yesterday.... hehehehe |
Ladygaga | Msg #17 02-11-2017 10:30 am Saturday 910/17 xx10, 0xx1, 01xx (5)@(7) 7x8x, x7x8, x87x, xx87, 8xx7 (3)@(5) |
3Dstriker | Msg #18 02-11-2017 01:18 pm Congrats master g128! Correct me if I'm wrong. You mentioned that the pandora is useful fo the next 3 draws. Since 8153 strike podium and the the remaining 2 pandora don't have any podium 4D, does that mean they can be used again for the next 3 draws? I've been reading your previous post (currently for 2015). In there you mentioned about picking only 1 digit from 1 coloumn. Example as below From pandora on the left 7 or 1 1 or 8 5 or 4 9 or 3 Is that still the "rule" as to how to use your pandora? There' a patern that I noticed about 4D that hit yesterday and those numbers are in your pandora. 3 digits came from the same row (bottom or top) and 1 digit from the other row. The rule for selecting digits seems to be 1 digit per coloumn only. However, consolation 4D 1147 does not follow any of those rule. Can you help clarify this? Sorry if you're burdened with all those questions but without any question, there won't be an answer. The same with my 3D prediction. My 1st question was where can I find the 3D and move on from there. After every draw, the question will always be what I did wrong or if the draw gave me a positive outcome , the question is will the next draw be positive as well. |
3Dstriker | Msg #19 02-11-2017 01:20 pm Thanks for the tips Ladygaga. |
3Dstriker | Msg #20 02-11-2017 04:33 pm There's a correction need to be made to my predicted 3D. 129 will be removed as it does not meet 1 of my set criteria - 3D must only hit once in the previous draw. There were actually 2 times 129 appeared - 1492 qnd 2901. Sorry for the mistake. SO my final 3D will be as follows : 029 189 349 389 589 Master g128 did post his pandora previously. If my 3D does hit, most probably the 4D could be found inside it. Just because you take 1 3D from my list that is in the pandora, it does not guarantee it will hit. Master g128 pandora was designed with different style or method. Master g128 is not only a master for pandora, he's also a master with 3D. He will incorporate his style of choosing 3D into the pandora. My style or method choosing 3D are different and may not be suitable with his pandora. I need to clarify this in order to prevent anyone from blaming him. |