vincentsum (bigsweep millionaire) | Msg #181 19-06-2017 11:43 am Hehehe - bought a few more Big sweep for 2nd of July draw as well.....i guess i am addicted to big sweep now...hahahahaha.... |
vincentsum (bigsweep millionaire) | Msg #182 19-06-2017 11:46 am Wow, then i better buy big big for Toto also.....hahahaha....but i predict it wont be 8361....maybe is 6381 or 6138....BTW interesting to know your husband share the same car plate with me....hahaha.... The other day i saw 6 cars with this set of no...thats why i thought is a signal...lai liao lai liao for the end...throw 200 to the salty sea water lor... hahahah |
vincentsum (bigsweep millionaire) | Msg #183 19-06-2017 01:49 pm ok the one and ONLY Number i focus on, maybe i provide clue for others and indications it will strike this Wed? lol 8361. 6B10 C408 A242 BB79 (05203) STR |
Win.K | Msg #184 19-06-2017 02:40 pm @vincentsum, nice L3***** code. I hope I give you enough hints. :) Not promising though. :P |
vincentsum (bigsweep millionaire) | Msg #185 19-06-2017 04:47 pm @ Win K..thanks but to find the A hahaha.....alot of time, also depend on luck .... |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #186 19-06-2017 05:15 pm Good day guys....Hahaha .. Glad to see forum is active....I don't mind if any members wanna share tips or hints or anything regarding 4D...and if someone wanna share his're most welcome....Its for our own sake. No problem at feel sorry....what we need is..we share anything we know related to 4D gaming system.... To Vincentsum...since you just hits million in big sweep...please don't let this game "swallow" back your winning money. Just a little advice from me...if you wanna play this it wisely...don't go "crazy " because the opportunity may not come twice... hahaha... Get a good plan to invest your money like unit trust..Sijil Simpanan Premmmiu....FD..or that which will benefit you in future...this kind if investment will gives you another chance to win like SSP by BSN...which will.make you a millionaire if you are lucky enough...or maybe will owned Brand New Merc or BMW... But I m sure you know better than me on how or what should you do with your money... So plan it well... Failed to plan is plan fail... To other members wisely..don't be a a smart and good player. Tq |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #187 19-06-2017 05:17 pm Another set by Vincent... 1-----8361 6B10 C408 A242 BB79 (05203) STR 8-C-------8 3-4-------7/5 6-0-------6/4/1 1-8-------3/9 @8763 @8769 @8563 @8569 |
jackson | Msg #188 20-06-2017 11:13 am Tcs.for Draw 842/17 0375 Lp. 86A1-7E6D-3B22-7FC3 (G5-01383) 9585 str. 4D3A-6EA1-5D82-B372 (G5-05531) 6656 mbox. 279F-A0AD-3C83-FC16 (G5-11062) 6890 mbox. 2805-4358-3973-19FA (G5-05531) 8069 str. 878D-D975-1E62-C37F (G5-05203) 3809 str. 8A1C-79CC-9B02-1C29 (G5-20814) 3890 mbox. 147C-36CE-5632-8782 (G5-41628) 4051 str. 8219-60E3-FA52-63DD (G5-10407) Check your mail TQS |
vinzshy88 | Msg #189 20-06-2017 02:12 pm Master Deng, TCS Draw 842/17 Wednesday 21-06-2017 PART 1 2) 2638----6C7C-AEF5-7232-3402 M24 (01382) 3) 2638----31D1-0A98-1B02-6DAA STR (40308) 4) 3039----27FF-87AF-5F42-35DD STR (37667) 5) 3039----2737-497F-FF41-E131 M12 (40308) |
vinzshy88 | Msg #190 20-06-2017 02:36 pm Master Deng, TCS Draw 842/17 Wednesday 21-06-2017 PART 2 2) 0919----59E8-0165-B562-909B LP M12 (21820) 3) 2150----33F4-95D7-C921-4ECA LP M24 (20814) 4) 9708----5ACC-9088-5053-2904 LP M24 (02602) 5) 5242----8A4A-172C-6E42-81C3 LP M12 (05531) |
equality | Msg #191 20-06-2017 03:18 pm Hi Master Deng For 842/17 Part 1 5389 - 4B9F A5F5 F502 3EE6 (G5 22125) 2807 - 7C93 A99A F851 B18C (G5 37667) 2807 - 892A 279C FB41 FE45 (G5 05531) 9807 - 2C68 6CB7 3502 F71E (G5 22125) 0710 - 43F4 36D7 9912 041D (G5 041D) |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #192 20-06-2017 03:22 pm Good afternoon everyone .. Here are tc by bro Jackson. 1-----0375 Lp. 86A1-7E6D-3B22-7FC3 (G5-01383) 0-7------8/3 3-E------3/1 7-6------7 5-D------5 @8375 @8175 @3175 2-----9585 str. 4D3A-6EA1-5D82-B372 (G5-05531) 9-6------6/7 5-E------5/1 8-A------8/7 5-1------1/5/6 @6581 @6585 @7581 @7586 3-----6656 mbox. 279F-A0AD-3C83-FC16 (G5-11062) 6-A-------6/7 6-0-------6/4 5-A-------5 6-D-------6 @6456 @7456 @6656 4--- -6890 mbox. 2805-4358-3973-19FA (G5-05531) 6-4------5/7 8-3------8/4 9-5------9/5 0-8------2/9 @5892 @7859 @7892 @5898 @7459 5-----8069 str. 878D-D975-1E62-C37F (G5-05203) 8-D-------8 0-9-------0 6-7-------3/8/9 9-5-------5/9/6 @8035 @8039 @8095 @8086 6-----3809 str. 8A1C-79CC-9B02-1C29 (G5-20814) 3-7------8/0 8-9------8/0 0-C------3/9 9-C------9 @8839 @8039 7-----3890 mbox. 147C-36CE-5632-8782 (G5-41628) 3-3-------3 8-6-------7(8)(4) 9-C-------9 0-E-------0/1 @3790** @3791** @3890 @3891 @3490 8-----4051 str. 8219-60E3-FA52-63DD (G5-10407) 4-6-------7/8 0-0-------0 5-E-------5/1 1-3-------8/4 @7058 @7054 @8054 @7014 |
equality | Msg #193 20-06-2017 03:24 pm Part 2 0717 - 0375 E603 C942 BB46 (41628) 0711 - 752E 55C7 4322 3505 (02765) 4830 - 14D7 07E4 6632 43C6 (40308) 4807 - 8D41 5ED6 7862 CD78 (00691) 0837 - 6959 822B 8912 81B2 (02766) If accidentally bought 2 tickets, generated different code from sane shop, can it be used to cross check? |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #194 20-06-2017 03:30 pm PART 1---by vinzshy....tq
4062-7E39-DD4A-9887 M12 (41629) 1-7-------4/8 7-E-------7/1 0-3-------7/8/4 0-9-------0 @4770 @4780 @8170 @8770 2-----2638 6C7C-AEF5-7232-3402 M24 (01382) 2-A--------2 6-E--------6/1 3-F--------3 8-5--------3/6/8/7 @2633 @2636 @2638 @2637 3-----2638 31D1-0A98-1B02-6DAA STR (40308) 2-0-------2/1 6-A-------6 3-9-------3 8-8-------8 @2638 @1638 4-----3039 27FF-87AF-5F42-35DD STR (37667) 3-8-------8/1 0-7-------8/3 3-A-------3 9-F-------9 @1839 @8339 @8839 5---- 3039 2737-497F-FF41-E131 M12 (40308) 3-4------7/5/9 0-9------0 3-7------2/8/3 9-F------9 @7029 @5029 @7089 @5089 @7039 @5039 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #195 20-06-2017 03:41 pm PART 2--by vinzshy
63AE-AE48-ED61-EC44 STR (02766) 7-A-------7 7-E-------1/7 6-4-------5/7 8-8-------8 @7158 @7758 @7178 2---- 0919 59E8-0165-B562-909B LP M12 (21820) 0-0-------0/1 9-1-------9/2/8 1-6-------3/7 9-5-------5/9/6 @0935 @0279 @1935 @0835 @0839 3--- -2150 33F4-95D7-C921-4ECA LP M24 (20814) 2-9-------2 1-5-------1/6 5-D-------5 0-7-------8/3 @2158 @2153 @2658 @2653 4-----9708 5ACC-9088-5053-2904 LP M24 (02602) 9-9-------9 7-0-------7/3/1 0-8-------1/2 8-8-------8 @9718 @9112 5-----5242 8A4A-172C-6E42-81C3 LP M12 (05531) 5-1-------5/2 2-7-------8 4-2-------3/9 2-C-------3/9 @5833 @5839* @5899 @2833 @2838 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #196 20-06-2017 03:53 pm Part 1-by equality 1-----5389 4B9F A5F5 F502 3EE6 (G5 22125) 5-A-------5 3-5-------3/6 8-F-------8 9-5-------9/6/5 @5389 @5386 @5689 @5686 2---- 2807 7C93 A99A F851 B18C (G5 37667) 2-A-------2 8-9-------8/0 0-9-------0 7-A-------7 @2807 @2007 3---- 2807 892A 279C FB41 FE45 (G5 05531) 2-2-------2 8-7-------8 0-9-------0 7-C-------3/9/7 @2803 @2808 @2807 4--- -9807 2C68 6CB7 3502 F71E (G5 22125) 9-6------3/6/7 8-C------8/3 0-B------8 7-7------7 @3887 @6887 @6387 5----0710 43F4 36D7 9912 041D (G5 041D)---what is this ??? Error g5.. 0-3------4/8 7-6------7 1-D------1 0-7------3/8 @4718 @4713 @8713 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #197 20-06-2017 04:02 pm Part 2--by equality 1----0717 0375 E603 C942 BB46 (41628) 0-E------0/1 7-6------7 1-0------1 7-3------8/4/7 @0718* @0714* @1714 @1718 2--- -0711 752E 55C7 4322 3505 (02765) 0-5------6/0 7-5------6/7 1-C------3/1 1-7------8/4 @6638 @0714* @0718* @6634 @6738* 3---- 4830 14D7 07E4 6632 43C6 (40308) 4-0------1/4 8-7------8 3-E------3/1 0-4------5/7 @1835 @1837 @4835 @4837 4-----4807 8D41 5ED6 7862 CD78 (00691) 4-5------4/6 8-E------8/1 0-D------0 7-6------7 @4807 @6807 @4107 5--- -0837 6959 822B 8912 81B2 (02766) 0-8------9/2 8-2------3 3-2------3 7-B------7/8 @9337 @9338 @2337 @2338 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #198 20-06-2017 04:08 pm This is a question by equality. "....If accidentally bought 2 tickets, generated different code from sane shop, can it be used to cross check?..." Yes and no. Yes...if the codes ( as for me its.L2 ) are similar one another...the cai gives the same results and the g5 shown its among the selected codes... No..if the codes are otherwise...and gives different results on cai. P/S: Not only from same outlets..different outlets..different counters also can be used to long as it gives us the similar clues on the same tc no.... |
equality | Msg #199 20-06-2017 04:12 pm 0710 43F4 36D7 9912 041D (G5 041D)---what is this ??? Error g5.. Oops typo g5 11063 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #200 20-06-2017 08:01 pm Equality Thank you fix an error of g5 on tc 0710... if you don't mind can you email me mybulletproof9 at g mail .I have something to discuss with you. |