Win.K | Msg #61 03-05-2017 09:19 am Thank you so much Master Deng or the advices. Vincentsum, understood your feeling... compare with you and vinzshy, my result is the worst among all.. hahaha.. always missed podium and never really hit podium straight like both of you...either didnt buy mbox or bought mbox and the won amount cannot cover my cost. :( Anyway, master deng please find my TC for draw 820/17.. hopefully today can hit better. Part 1 1139-str 43FA-BCF0-0003-819F (20814) 2028-str 11CC-51F3-6662-3FC8 (00692) 2026-str 2060-44E4-9762-D53A (11062) 1838-str 8845-9188-D552-3B09 (02765) 1133-str 1139-A3B7-8042-C344 (02601) |
Win.K | Msg #62 03-05-2017 09:21 am My Part 2 TCs 1761-LP 59FA-53EB-0622-83A8 (32385) 2800-LP 1188-AE6E-7002-7097 (05204) 2146-LP 7004-5AEF-F662-43F4 (02765) 9365-LP 1252-526F-C082-2CDC (00691) 4874-LP 51C8-00FA-D802-1513 (21820) |
Mkawh | Msg #63 03-05-2017 11:16 am Hi all. These are from me. 6979 STR 163C 2E20 2F22 22E8 (37667) 6358 STR 48F7 F369 7982 9B88 (20814) 7358 STR 4832 E6A5 2963 6AB9 (37667) 4325 LP 8A7E C459 A452 9EA6 (21820) 0592 LP 25F5 7256 DE62 030F (22125) 4721 LP 17F1 6567 4912 23E7 (02601) |
vinzshy88 | Msg #64 03-05-2017 12:07 pm Good Afternoon av1~ Master Deng, TCS Draw 820/17 Wednesday 03-05-2017 1) 7262----2686-E64F-BA52-F31F (01301) STR B 2) 1039----6952-FF62-FE12-2D07 (40308) STR B 3) 4712----7211-D905-FF42-9E9A (10407) LP B 4) 4351----6A4F-A000-0F22-181D (21820) LP B 5) 9392----1E93-2112-7622-9777 (02602) LP B 6) 1357----188A-8A85-FD62-DB30 (22125) STR B <- too many 8 no good ? if yes pls ignore this tc 7) 9909----6514-14D6-AC82-9C95 (01382) M4 B thank you. |
vinzshy88 | Msg #65 03-05-2017 12:11 pm 1 more 1) 2626----5EDE-D9D9-3703-4FDF (05531) M6 B Thank you |
Win.K | Msg #66 03-05-2017 12:14 pm This tc looks nice for me Vinzshy.. :) 1) 2626----5EDE-D9D9-3703-4FDF (05531) M6 B |
vinzshy88 | Msg #67 03-05-2017 12:17 pm Master Deng said M6 code always look nice... XD |
vinzshy88 | Msg #68 03-05-2017 12:20 pm yesterday i got buy 5309 and 5708 but no paw , focus on others number T.T |
vincentsum (bigsweep millionaire) | Msg #69 03-05-2017 12:22 pm yesterday u good lor...strike so many |
Win.K | Msg #70 03-05-2017 12:23 pm same la Vinzshy.. I bought 5309 mbox as test card.. can't see the money. T.T |
Win.K | Msg #71 03-05-2017 12:25 pm should be alert when the L1 code is 53D9..special hints |
vinzshy88 | Msg #72 03-05-2017 12:45 pm vincent, magnum i only strike 8746 RM1 only , but i strike other number in kuda. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #73 03-05-2017 12:54 pm Good afternoon is sunny day...but the weather is little bit hot...temp ° also high....take care guys. Here are tc by Vincent. Tq 1-----8198 87B8 9C88 A782 AB97 (10407) STR 8-9--------8 1-C--------3 9-8--------9 8-8--------8 @8398 2--- -8129 1CA1 48A4 A952 808D (00692) STR 8-4--------2/5/7 1-8--------9/3 2-A--------2 9-4--------4/7 @2924 @2927 @5924 @5927 @8324 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #74 03-05-2017 01:15 pm Tq Win K. Tc by win K. Part 1 1-----1139-str 43FA-BCF0-0003-819F (20814) 1-B-------8/4 1-C-------3/1 3-F-------3 9-0-------0/9/1 @8330 @8331 @8130 @4330 2-----2028-str 11CC-51F3-6662-3FC8 (00692) 2-5--------6 0-1--------2/8 2-F--------2 8-3--------8/4 @6228 @6224 @6824 3---- 2026-str 2060-44E4-9762-D53A (11062) 2-4------5/7 0-4------5/7 2-E------1/2 6-4------6/7 @7726*** @5526** @7716 @5516 4--- -1838-str 8845-9188-D552-3B09 (02765) 1-9-------1 8-1-------8 3-8-------3/9 8-8-------8/9 @1839 @1899 @1898 5-----1133-str 1139-A3B7-8042-C344 (02601) 1-A-------1 1-3-------8/4 3-B-------8 3-7-------3/8 @1883** @1483 @1488 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #75 03-05-2017 01:21 pm Part 2 by Win K 1-----1761-LP 59FA-53EB-0622-83A8 (32385) 1-5-------6/1 7-3-------8/4 6-E-------1/6 1-B-------8/4 @6818 @6814 2---- 2800-LP 1188-AE6E-7002-7097 (05204) 2-A--------2 8-E--------8/1 0-6--------7 0-E--------0/1 @2871 @2870 3-----2146-LP 7004-5AEF-F662-43F4 (02765) 2-5-------6/2 1-A-------1/7 4-E-------4/1 6-F-------6 @6746 @2746** @6146 4-----9365-LP 1252-526F-C082-2CDC (00691) 9-5-------9(5) 3-2-------3 6-6-------6 5-F-------5 @9365**** @5365 5-----4874-LP 51C8-00FA-D802-1513 (21820) 4-0-------4/1 8-0-------8/2 7-F-------7 4-A-------4 @4784*** @4274 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #76 03-05-2017 01:32 pm Here are tc by Mkawh..tq 1--- -6979 STR 163C 2E20 2F22 22E8 (37667) 6-2-------3/8/9 9-E-------9/1 7-2-------7 9-0-------9/0 @3979 @8979 @9979 2----6358 STR 48F7 F369 7982 9B88 (20814) 6-F-------6 3-3-------3 5-6-------5/7 8-9-------8/9 @6359*** @6378 @6358 3----7358 STR 4832 E6A5 2963 6AB9 (37667) 7-E-------7 3-6-------7 5-A-------5 8-5-------8/6 @7756 @7758 4--- -4325 LP 8A7E C459 A452 9EA6 (21820) 4-C-------3/9 3-4-------5/7 2-5-------6/3/2 5-9-------6/5 @3765*** @9536*** @9765** @3566 @9566 5----0592 LP 25F5 7256 DE62 030F (22125) 0-7--------8 5-2--------3/7/2/5 9-5--------5/9 2-6--------7 @8357** @8597 @8397 6----4721 LP 17F1 6567 4912 23E7 (02601) 4-6-------7 7-5-------6/7 2-6-------3/7 1-7-------8/4 @7638** @7634** @7738 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #77 03-05-2017 01:57 pm Tc by vinzshy tq 1---- 7262 2686-E64F-BA52-F31F (01301) STR B 7-E-------7/1 2-6-------7 6-4-------5 2-F-------2 @7752-* @1752 2---- 1039 6952-FF62-FE12-2D07 (40308) STR B 1-F--------1 0-F--------1/0 3-6--------3/7 9-2--------9 @1139 @1039 @1179 @1079 3-----4712 7211-D905-FF42-9E9A (10407) LP B 4-D-------4 7-9-------7/6 1-0-------1 2-5-------6 @4716*** 4-----4351 6A4F-A000-0F22-181D (21820) LP B 4-A-------4 3-0-------3 5-0-------5 1-0-------1 @4xxx--( try few formations such as 4531--4513--4315 etc 5-----9392 1E93-2112-7622-9777 (02602) LP B 9-2-------9 3-1-------3/2 9-1-------0/1/2 2-2-------2/3 @9312 @9302 @9322 @9323 6-----1357 188A-8A85-FD62-DB30 (22125) STR B <- too many 8 no good ? 1-8------1/9 3-A------3 5-8------8/7 7-5------6/7 @1386 @9385 @1387 @1376 7-----9909 6514-14D6-AC82-9C95 (01382) M4 B 9-1--------9/1 9-4--------4/5/7 0-D--------0 9-6--------6/7 @9506 @9406 @9407 @9706 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #78 03-05-2017 01:59 pm One more tc by vinzshy. 1---- 2626 5EDE-D9D9-3703-4FDF (05531) M6 B 2-D-------2 6-9-------6/5 2-D-------2 7-9-------6/7 @2626** @2627 @2527 @2526 |
vinzshy88 | Msg #79 03-05-2017 02:03 pm thx Master Deng, today I got time to go buy tc for recai..hehe |
Win.K | Msg #80 03-05-2017 02:37 pm TQ Master Deng, my re-cai as below:- Part 1 1883-str 3E90-617E-DA32-FA24 (32385) 1898-str 7D57-4B01-6322-5DE0 (00692) 7726-str 6D6F-47DD-4A32-0630 (00691) 5526-str 4696-E17C-E152-180B (05531) |