Yenzo | Msg #421 27-10-2015 08:06 am my prediction for today is 6310 2130 7409 2360 Bet with ur own risk:).. Hope we can catch big fish today Huat cai! |
2wteh | Msg #422 27-10-2015 11:42 am hi Good morning everyone! Here is my prediction for today's magnum: 4986, 4987, 4938, 2886, 9306, 2867, 0867, 0674, 8567, 4957, 9357, 6174, 2874, 4295, 2988, 4493, 0664, 6774, 9333, 3877. Good luck and Cheers! HUat ah!!! |
2wteh | Msg #423 27-10-2015 11:53 am Maybe digit 3 will out from the podium this drawor next draw because digit 3 already in podium 9 draw. And digit 4 maybe in first position in podium like this 4XXX. And 1 more thing is found that 55 still never in podium this month, can try 55XX, just try ibox. can look back for bro tech msg. Good luck and Cheers! Huat ah! |
Yenzo | Msg #424 27-10-2015 12:04 pm Tq bro 2wteh:) |
Dragon (Kekeke Master) | Msg #425 27-10-2015 12:29 pm Good afternoon SGPOOLS coming wed draw...for all prizes 2D : 01 ~ 99 ~ 93 ~ 78 ~ 44 ~ 43 ~ 46 ~ 13 ~ 72 ~ 75 3D : 502 ~ 461 ~ 788 ~ 782 ~ 015 ~ 336 Expexting TOP3 will have digits 0 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 8 Good Luck Kekeke |
2wteh | Msg #426 27-10-2015 12:35 pm hi bro zte. i like 213 this 3d. kekekeke.... Good luck and Cheers! hi bro Yenzo, i like your 2130, kekekekeke... Good luck and Cheers! |
2wteh | Msg #427 27-10-2015 12:38 pm TQ bro Dragon! Cheers! HUat ah! |
Yenzo | Msg #428 27-10-2015 02:15 pm Hope it will be on podium tonight bro 2wteh:) |
Drakey | Msg #429 27-10-2015 02:24 pm Hi Bro Dragon, Thank you! Huat Cai! Huat Cai! |
Drakey | Msg #430 27-10-2015 02:28 pm Hi Bro 2wteh, Hope you 興興! 旺旺! N 發發發!!! Win the top 3 prizes 發啊! And to those who play Magnum too! 发财! 发财! |
acespirit | Msg #431 27-10-2015 02:29 pm Good afternoon! @Bro Dragon Thanks for the SGP pools 2D and 3D bro! Today Malaysia counters lucky draw. Good luck to all! |
Drakey | Msg #432 27-10-2015 02:40 pm Bro acespirit, You play SGP too? Hope you also 興興! 旺旺! N 發發發!!! Win the top 3 prizes 發啊! 发财! 发财! |
Yenzo | Msg #433 27-10-2015 02:57 pm We can try to play 6D Sport Toto counter soon bro 2wteh:).. Who know's we can get a jackpot price hihihi:D |
Yenzo | Msg #434 27-10-2015 02:58 pm Hi Kekeke Master.. Long time no see ya:) |
2wteh | Msg #435 27-10-2015 03:15 pm sis Drakey, hope you also
2wteh | Msg #436 27-10-2015 03:22 pm hehe... bro Yenzo.. now i still focus in magnum only...campare with bro bro tech, Dragon, bro rich88, sifu g128 and sifu Lucas, i still have long long distance with them... need to breakthrough... is time to focus back my 3d... HUah ah!!!
Yenzo | Msg #437 27-10-2015 03:35 pm Keep the good work bro 2wteh:).. Hope u will success soon:).. Let's Rock:D |
Drakey | Msg #438 27-10-2015 03:54 pm TQVM Bro 2wteh! Sure you will break thru one day soon... Huat Cai! Huat Cai! |
Dragon (Kekeke Master) | Msg #439 27-10-2015 04:13 pm Kekeke Bro Yenzo, u only can see me at SGPools HQ... with one young guy (me) and one old guy (Sifu g128)... sometines u don't see me if i am not collecting the cheques...else where can u see me... Kekeke |
Dragon (Kekeke Master) | Msg #440 27-10-2015 04:18 pm Kekeke Bro 2wteh, beside the 3D you are focusing, the next will be the 3DTP matching skills. And the most challenge of all will be solving your common question..."Where & How to capture 3DTP accurately?" Time will come for you to face this problem. Kekeke |