deng (Cai Master) | Msg #281 18-07-2015 09:02 am From Jackson ------9563 0D71-CB42-7F72-5BAA 9-C----9 5-B----6(4) 6-4----5(7) 3-2----3 I think 9653 are full.. Other options you can bet on 9673 9573 for back up. 28185-72310-05676-11392-41629-91002-59308 |
Gtk | Msg #282 18-07-2015 09:03 am Deng Tc 7539=146C F1DD 5973 9F6A 7539=6009 F861 8B02 1917 mbox 6862=8D79 B6F5 BD52 52F3 6682=2EA1 42C5 D581 EE28 2866=470C F06A 4772 5DC5 mbox 6628=6CCF BC66 E951 80B5 mbox |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #283 18-07-2015 09:06 am ------6539---(LOOKS PERFECT) 4686-31C5-7383-55CD 6-3-----4(8)(6)(9) 5-1-----5(1)(2)(6) 3-C-----3(8) 9-5-----9 4539***** 6539**** 9536**** 8539**** 9539**** ( I decided to arrange from back/ rvrse( same as 9536) pls take note. ------6539 0578-81AF-A412-728F mbox 6-8----9(7)(3) 5-1----5 3-A----3(6) 9-F----9 6539****( p/s:I forgot this one in my email to you) 9539** 7539**** |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #284 18-07-2015 09:13 am .from.gtk ------2867 3748-F891. BC52 E337 mbox 2-F-----2 8-8-----8(9)(3) 6-9-----6(0) 7-1-----7(4) 2867*****( hopefully this numbers are full and straight) 2807 2857** 2864** 2364** ------6827 1A59-9E37 E112 63A9 mbox 6-9----6(0) 8-E----2(1)(8) 2-3----4(8) 7-7----7(8)(4) 6247** 6287**** 6284*** ------6382-----(Pls TRY BOX THIS NO AGAIN) 4A9D D11F 8E22 E341 mbox 6-D----6 3-1----3(4)(8) 8-1----8(3) 2-F----2(3) 6382****(BOX) 6384*** 6332 6882 ------8236--(3D or full) 35EE-3674 BF32 5DBC mbox 8-3----4(8) 2-6----7(2) 3-7----2(8)(3) 6-4----6(5)(7) 4726**** 8726** 3826****------SPECIAL CAI ------2863 00F9-15CC 7C32 CB34 mbox 2-1-----2 8-5-----8(6) 6-C-----3(6) 3-C-----3(6)(8) 2836*****( Box) 2638 for straight bet trial.**** |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #285 18-07-2015 09:16 am Tc from gtk. --_---7539 146C F1DD 5973 9F6A 7-1----7(6) 5-1----5 3-D----3 9-D----9 7539****.9â¿ 7539=6009 F861 8B02 1917 mbox 6862=8D79 B6F5 BD52 52F3 6682=2EA1 42C5 D581 EE28 2866=470C F06A 4772 5DC5 mbox 6628=6CCF BC66 E951 80B5 mbox |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #286 18-07-2015 09:31 am Sorry guys...Error.... Tc from gtk. --_---7539--gtk take note on this etc.. 146C F1DD 5973 9F6A 7-1----7(6) 5-1----5 3-D----3 9-D----9 6539****( SEE THIS) & 7539****(SEE THIS TOO) ------7539 6009-F861 8B02 1917 mbox 7-F----7 5-8----5(8)(9)(3) 3-6----3(7) 9-1----9 7539***** 7839*** ------6862 8D79 B6F5 BD52 52F3 6-B----4(6)(7)(8) 8-6----8(7) 6-F----6 2-5----2(6) 4862** 4762*** ------6682 2EA1 42C5 D581 EE28 6-4----5(7)(8)(2) 6-2----9(3)(6)(8) 8-C----8 2-5----2(6) 2386**** 5986*** 7382*** -------2866 470C--F06A 4772 5DC5 mbox 2-F----2 8-0----8(2)(1) 6-6----6(5)(2) 6-A----5(6) 2865***** 2856*** 2165*** ,------6628 6CCF BC66 E951 80B5 mbox 6-6-----6 6-C-----8(3)(9) 2-6-----3(7)(2)(8) 8-6-----7(4)(8) 6837**** 6938** 6834*** |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #287 18-07-2015 09:39 am My best selections for today are : 3Ds X539---missing 1D could be...(4)(6)(7) 638X---missing 1D could be...(2)(7)(9)(4) 589X---missing 1D could be...(3)(7)(4)(9) X736---missing 1D could be ..(4)(2)(1)(8) 286X---missing 1D could be ..(7)(3)(8)(1) 983X---missing 1D could be ..(8)(5)(4)(1)(3) |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #288 18-07-2015 09:43 am Possible 4Ds 5839 4593 2867 2467 4367 3826 7589 7593 6539 All numbers are not arranged in straight positions especially numbers with (+) marks. So box are suggested for all numbers. |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #289 18-07-2015 09:48 am Msg #301 18-07-2015 17:39:58 My best selections for today are : CORRECTIONS.. ALL NUMBERS ARE NOT ARRANGED IN STRAIGHT POSITIONS ...SO PLS BOX OK. 3Ds X539---missing 1D could be...(4)(6)(7) 638X---missing 1D could be...(2)(7)(9)(4) 589X---missing 1D could be...(3)(7)(4)(9) X736---missing 1D could be ..(4)(2)(1)(8) 286X---missing 1D could be ..(7)(3)(8)(1) 983X---missing 1D could be ..(8)(5)(4)(1)(3) SUGGESTIONS A.. @4539 @7539 B. @6382 @6387 @6389 @6384 C. @5893 @5897 @5894 D. @2736 @4736 @1736 @8736 E. @2867 @2863 @2861 F. @9835 @9834 @9831 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #290 18-07-2015 10:13 am One more left |
Gtk | Msg #291 18-07-2015 10:14 am Deng I have snap tc to u pls CEO tq |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #292 18-07-2015 11:47 am Date: 18-07-2015 (Sat) Draw No: 491/15 1st Prize 6573 2nd Prize 6090 3rd Prize 3231 Special 0593 5753 0761 6755 5481 5154 7145 3440 9262 1604 Consolation 1054 2347 6105 4917 1444 6329 5241 3463 8575 8931 |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #293 18-07-2015 12:33 pm Result reviews... We nearly strikes 1st but missed 1D 6539-- 7539 2736 4736 And a lot of starters & cons prizes which all are 3Ds... Only a few of the numbers strikes special and cons. Msg#278.. 4157------(7145) sp 2639------(6329) cons Msg#279 9714------(4917) cons Msg#287 4581------(5481) sp Note : From tc 4581 mbox by gtk..tq gtk 9236------(6328) cons |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #294 18-07-2015 12:35 pm Congrats to those who won today's draw. Those has not..don't give up. Tomorrow we'll try better cai. Tq |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #295 18-07-2015 04:28 pm System 39 for Sunday draw 495/119) Chart A----Shadow 1----Result 1 1955********6400********3028-(13)**** 0266********5711********6405-(15)*** 4408********9953********7589-(29)**** 9283********2626********2817-(18)**** 2938********9595********3425-(14) 6170********3737********7768-(28)*** 5179********2736********2486-(20) 6042********9485********2754-(19** 0284********3627********4186-(19)*** |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #296 18-07-2015 04:29 pm System 39 for Sunday draw 492/15 Chart A----Shadow 1----Result 1 1955********6400********3028-(13)**** 0266********5711********6405-(15)*** 4408********9953********7589-(29)**** 9283********2626********2817-(18)**** 2938********9595********3425-(14) 6170********3737********7768-(28)*** 5179********2736********2486-(20) 6042********9485********2754-(19** 0284********3627********4186-(19)*** |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #297 18-07-2015 04:47 pm Gtk Sorry your email came into my inbox a bit late...and I was not able to look further...and reply back to you... Was up for something... So sorry bro...hope you win some today. |
jackson | Msg #298 19-07-2015 03:14 am Hi, Bro Deng 6405 5C54-485D-1422-82AB 3082 6CF4-7C77-8822-BC79 6978 1B31-400E-CD32-E725 4900 8071-D3AF-5D32-CC73 0094 874B-5A76-7432-A39F |
Gtk | Msg #299 19-07-2015 05:26 am Deng Tc 4949=37c9 B9B4 1C62 F02A LP 1192=8BE8 C1E4 0523 93B1 2192=7D19 9100 F812 DA63 9192=40F3 26C4 1802 74AB 8192=56C8 BE73 3523 C565 2817=5D69 5990 D362 72BB 6405=173B EADE 1212 B159 3028=66D0 B88C E252 3003 6814=0430 3015 E131 F011 8642=5AA5 5DA1 A422 F438 4829=0D88 7BA5 4D53 DD28 4289=6D94 0F11 8C62 D560 8429=43B8 AD62 1E02 B46C 8294=5B27 9ECE CD52 CA62 8249=4467 4D29 4043 A978 2126=23F7 F53F DB62 0809 1126=5729 4E48 2463 3AF0 NOTES ALL TC r MBOX TQ |
deng (Cai Master) | Msg #300 19-07-2015 06:24 am Hi Jackson two for your TCS ------6405 5C54-485D-1422-82AB 6-4---5(7)(8) 4-8---9(3) 0-5---0 5-D---5 5905*** 7905 5305 8905** 8305*** ------3082 6CF4-7C77-8822-BC79 3-7---8(0)(4) 0-C---3 8-7---8 2-7---8(9)(5) 8388** 0388 4388** ------6978 1B31-400E-CD32-E725 6-4---5(7)(8)(2) 9-0---0(1)(0) 7-0---7(1)(3) 8-E---2(8)(0)(1) 5072*** 5112** 5118* ------4900 8071-D3AF-5D32-CC73 4-D---4 9-3---3(4)(8) 0-A---5(6)(0) 0-F---0(1) 4351** 4350** 4851* ------0094 874B-5A76-7432-A39F 0-5---0(6) 0-A---6(4) 9-7---8(7) 4-6---7(8)(5) 0687** 6687** 6677* * +*Notes: all numbers are yet arranged to be straight. Make comparison before selecting numbers to bet.tq |