Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #1 28-07-2014 08:28 am In the past your birthdate lucky numbers were derived using Western I have experimented by using Eastern astrology... The difference is using Western Astrology, your lucky numbers remain the same every year throughout your life,however,using Eastern Astrology, your lucky number changes every year... I stumbled upon this method by chance yesterday and tested own lucky number was 6324 and surprisingly it was drawn 3rd prize on Singapore Pools yesterday...number drawn was 2634. The same combination was drawn 3rd prize on Saturday at Damacai counter 3462...again proven that podium numbers migrate from counter to counter.. Those interested can summit your DOB in this format DD/M/YYYY Who knows, you may be lucky to strike... By the way Sifu guigno's lucky number is 9424 and I pray it will come out soon.. Goodluck |
mimi | Msg #2 28-07-2014 09:27 am yeah... me 1st... 21/10/1979 tqvm |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #3 28-07-2014 10:06 am Hello Mimi, Your lucky number is 6062.... Do not punt blindly....use Sifu guigno's tips to match first Goodluck |
lucky97 | Msg #4 28-07-2014 11:37 am hi best4..don't mind having a look at mine. 25/09/1957. thank you for yr time. |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #5 28-07-2014 11:58 am Hello lucky97, Your lucky number is 6144..... Goodluck |
lucky97 | Msg #6 28-07-2014 12:47 pm thank you best4..will now combine it with your previous readings on lucky periods..huat arrr! |
giugno128 (Sifu) | Msg #7 28-07-2014 02:07 pm Very much appreciated Master Best4. In Chinese astrology, I am facing tremendous big waves of up and down for the past few months... although did not fully settle down (only partial and also thanks to your help), managed to find a place under one roof.... Also 4D skiils improves greatly... Also, according to Chinese astrology, I am climbing up from the deep bottom and soon, things will be gradually getting better.. Thanks for your help previous and concern. |
shamrafik | Msg #8 28-07-2014 06:40 pm Hello 31/05/1982 |
riya9041 | Msg #9 28-07-2014 07:31 pm Dear best4master my dob 27091971 |
mimi | Msg #10 28-07-2014 11:31 pm Thanks a lot Best4 (Master Sifu) |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #11 28-07-2014 11:36 pm Hello shamrafik, Your lucky number is 8749 Goodluck |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #12 28-07-2014 11:37 pm Hello riya9041, Your lucky number is 3860 Goodluck |
geetha30 | Msg #13 29-07-2014 02:47 am hi, how about mine 30/091982 |
LaiWin | Msg #14 29-07-2014 04:11 am Hi best4 master sifu.. My DOB. 29-11-1953 Thanks |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #15 29-07-2014 04:51 am Hello geetha30, Your lucky number is 3762 Goodluck |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #16 29-07-2014 04:53 am Hello LaiWin, Your lucky number is 4197 Goodluck |
Huli | Msg #17 29-07-2014 08:26 am Hi Best4 Master Sifu. MY DOB 02/12/1967. Thanks. |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #18 29-07-2014 09:01 am Hello Huli, Your lucky number is 7765 Goodluck |
kimian6969 | Msg #19 29-07-2014 12:44 pm Hi Best4 Master Sifu, How about my date of birth 29/12/1973 |
Richardson | Msg #20 29-07-2014 12:45 pm Hi master sifu, Count me in, d.o.b 07/09/1984. Thanks a lot. |