zaras68 | Msg #61 05-10-2013 11:03 pm Dear ozza ( Superhero ) and Master Sifu, Thank you for the warm welcome back,, hehehe.. Thanks for the advice too.. Yuups will definitely take it extra easy from now on as it feels a bit tight and out of breathe at times.. Anyway,, happy weekend to all.. May LUCK be with all of you always.. Take care and be happy.. :-) |
Lucky67 | Msg #62 06-10-2013 12:21 am yes i do |
try4luck | Msg #63 06-10-2013 09:09 am Good morning to all cupin member...especially Best4 Master Sifu... Sifu,thanks for the 1568 yesterday...i think our members win some $$$ yesterday from 1568. Hope sifu can give a good number for us again today:) and i wanna ask your turn for 9640 and 9641??? |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #64 06-10-2013 10:44 am Hello try4 luck, Both the numbers 9461 and 0496 have been on podium 7 times each I particularly like the chances of 0496 especially on a Wednesdays...a must to follow this month Goodluck |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #65 06-10-2013 11:19 am Hello members, Here are my predictions for today(Sunday) Damacai/Magnum 0475........3185........5174........5298 Must cover box, and play the combination that has your lucky number/s Goodluck |
frantjr | Msg #66 06-10-2013 12:09 pm hello, Master Sifu, no Singapore prediction for today? what do you think about 0639 and 3612 for today Singapore pools? thank you :) and happy weekend to all, wish you the best of luck always :) |
belalang | Msg #67 06-10-2013 05:38 pm 652 622 522 Realy hope from all sifu2 in this forum Help me to complete this number... Help! Help! Help!!!!! |
2410 | Msg #68 06-10-2013 09:12 pm hi sifu, im new here, I need your help. my DOB 24-01-1990. help me to predict 4d. reply me soon. |
SIM | Msg #69 06-10-2013 09:25 pm Hi everybody! ! I have a thought. I've been trying luck on System Bet Lucky Pick in Damacai. 10nums=rm10 I realise those numbers are actually helpful for predictions. Just that we need to be more smart in rotating it. Bcz most numbers will b in the same draw dates... Or else those numbers will also appears in the next coming draw. Ex:7126 was 1 of those number was in the lucky pick tiket. N today its at the 2nd prize 6/10/2013. U know what I mean? Maybe I will post today's lucky pick tiket numbers here and maybe u guys can have a try for the Wednesday draw? Play smart. Try to rotate n buy or change 1 number in every. Ex; 3456 to 3486 or 5436 n so on.. |
SIM | Msg #70 06-10-2013 09:26 pm Maybe sifu can use that too for damacai. Just a suggestion |
SIM | Msg #71 06-10-2013 09:26 pm Example 8141 was in last week lucky pick damacai n it appear in toto for the next draw |
SIM | Msg #72 06-10-2013 09:36 pm This are my System Bet LUCKY PICK numbers frm 2 tickets I bought for today. TICKET 1: 4843 9536 4738 7216 7217 3059 4253 1508 3419 8929 TICKET 2: 8568 8860 5621 6482 3322 8102 0875 3673 2600 3124 SO....everyone.... how is it? U guys saw ? Maybe we can try to use those numbers for Wednesday. Let's try for predictions. Master Sifu, do u have any suggestions? Any idea? Maybe u can help us? System7, lucky93, ozza, zara68, try4luck,... what abt u guys? Maybe u all have any ideas of numbers by Tuesday? N then i will go to the shop again n c what's the next lucky pick for Wednesday they r selling then I will post here. |
try4luck | Msg #73 06-10-2013 10:37 pm Hello Sim... I will join your game...may i know this LP is from which house?? Magnum...Damacai or Toto?? |
SIM | Msg #74 07-10-2013 08:07 am Hi try4luck. Those numbers are Damacai LP system bet numbers for 6oct. Soo can try for Wednesday. But we must be smart to choose . |
SIM | Msg #75 07-10-2013 08:08 am Hi sifu..what about u? Any idea? |
zaras68 | Msg #76 07-10-2013 10:07 am Dear SIM, Would love to give numbers to you but as of now am not in the best state to do so as I was adviced by docs to take it easy for the next 3 months.. Nevertheless, I will check on your numbers given if they are any similar ones that falls in any group of my calculation method and will let you know.. Hope it would be of great help to you and the rest of the members,, cheerrriiooo.. |
SIM | Msg #77 07-10-2013 10:51 am Thanks zaras68! Remember health comes 1st! |
SIM | Msg #78 07-10-2013 10:56 am I gotta strong feeling about 9937 5937 1837 1855 1588 |
SIM | Msg #79 07-10-2013 11:02 am Maybe u guys can help |
try4luck | Msg #80 07-10-2013 11:05 am Dear SIM... Based on ur LP from Damacai...i will go for 9536,7217,3095,0875 and 3124. But for me this 4d set must change be smart to change it. |