» » lucky number and best to bet

Msg #1
02-01-2013 02:13 am

hello master sifu, l'm new in here and hope sifu can help by telling me what's my lucky number and best to bet?
my d.o.b. 05 june 1969.
happy new year to you sifu and hope this forum will last forever
(Master Sifu)
Msg #2
02-01-2013 01:17 pm

Hello roy,
Please proceed to topic "It helps to know your lucky days and lucky periods" and look for message #1142...your reading is there
Msg #3
02-01-2013 05:12 pm

hi master sifu, im new here, can i have lucky no from you. by birthdate is 2.12.1969
Msg #4
13-01-2013 06:07 am

Sure, no problem one! For your birthdate of 2.12.1969, you can try using 2, 12, or even 69 as your lucky numbers. Some people like to add the digits together too, so you could also have 1 (2+1+2+1+9+6+9=30, then 3+0=3). Bet what feels good for you lah! Just have fun with it and remember, it’s all about the experience, right? Good luck!
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