des615 | Msg #1 18-12-2010 07:43 am i'm wondering how actually we can predict exactly the results for every number we buy (at least one). Anyone know the tips? |
Cupin (a geek) | Msg #2 18-12-2010 09:52 am Hi des615, Welcome to Cupin.Net. This is the question that always in my mind long time ago before I discover the answer. It's actually pretty simple. All you need to do is look back at the last result. The answer is there. That's why I create the free tool to predict the winning number. You are free to used it :) |
des615 | Msg #3 19-12-2010 07:28 am Hi Cupin, Yes, may i know where can i download your free tool for number prediction? i have done my own analysis for the pass results. It seem like not so easy to predict the next draw numbers. Please advice more on this. |
freeware | Msg #4 28-12-2010 11:25 pm Hi Cupin, Like des615 mentioned, where & how to download your free tool to predict wining number. I also do some calculation base on previous result but usually 3 numbers are correct however of course not in correct sequence. TQ |
Cupin (a geek) | Msg #5 31-12-2010 09:56 am Hi freeware, Welcome to Cupin.Net. For your information, I'm not provide any software download. I don't want my user think that I'm include any spyware or virus in my application when they download it. My application and system are free from this kind of thing, that's why I'm create it as web application. You are free to use it by clicking the link in top menu :) Anyway, happy new year to des615 and freeware! |
Player (Sifu) | Msg #6 05-01-2011 08:27 pm When it comes to predicting and winning 4D, it's definitely a bit of a gamble, you know? A lot of folks swear by different methods, like looking at past results or even using numerology. Some people like to look for patterns in the numbers that come up often. |