» » Hot Podium Numbers

(Master Sifu)
Msg #1
14-06-2012 09:21 pm

Here is a list of "hot" podium numbers for Magnum,Damacai,Toto and Singapore Pools.
Datas are for the month of April,May and first half of June 2012.
Numbers listed, have been drawn from 2 to 4 times during this period.
Sum 9 : 0117 , 5031,1044
Sum 10 : 1207
Sum 11: 3143,6500,2720,2414,1811
Sum 12: 0543, 6051,0426
Sum 13: 0625,0850,4621,5413
Sum 14: 1148,4712,7610,3704,1085,1832,6800
Sum 15: 4362,1266
Sum 16: 7036,6136,0871,2608
Sum 17: 5174,6416,3914,8603,1835,8900,3167
Sum 18: 5328,7551,6237,1287,4905
Sum 19: 9604,8164,
Sum 20: 6266,4691,4871,7364,5168,9920
Sum 21: 7635,4917,3459,3837,9327,5925
Sum 22: 8941,9166,5935,5692
Sum 23: 3389,0878,7844,9527
Sum 24: 4785,0879
Sum 25: 8674
Sum 26: 8738,9863
Take these numbers as a reference. Always cover a bit on MBox,IPerm and IBet
(Master Sifu)
Msg #2
16-06-2012 10:27 pm

Hi Everybody,
To nite (Saturday), out of the 12 podium numbers drawn on the 4 counters (Toto,Magnum,Damacai and Singapore Pools), 8 combinations were drawn again.
From April till now:
5248 : Twice (Singapore Pools)
6641 : Three times (S.Pool : twice, Magnum : once)
7634 : Three times (S.Pool,Magnum and Toto)
1568 : Twice (Magnum)
7403 : Three times (S.Pool,Toto and Damacai)
7203 : Twice (S.Pool and Toto)
1416 : Twice ( Damacai and Toto)
3637 : Twice ( S.Pool and Toto)
Today predicted 7320. It was drawn 1st Prize on Toto (7203) and consolation on S.Pools (2073)
Goodluck :-)))
Msg #3
19-06-2012 02:22 pm

Any good numbers for this Wednesday20th June 2012 draw SIFU?
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