Shukur | Msg #81 01-07-2012 01:24 am Hi sifu, which counter is lukcy 4 me?my DOB22 july 1975.please help me? |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #82 01-07-2012 11:56 am Hello Shukur, According to calculations, MAGNUM should be lucky for you. Goodluck :-))) |
magnum88 | Msg #83 08-07-2012 12:12 am Dear best4 (master sifu), Hope u still remember me. May I know which counter is suitable for me? Birthday date: 17 November. Thanks thanks thanks and thanks again. |
Best4 (Master Sifu) | Msg #84 08-07-2012 11:33 am Hello magnum88, According to your birthdate, any of the 3 counters is ok for you. But since your "nick" is magnum88, you can try out Magnum for a while and see whether it suits you. Goodluck :-D |
cueball | Msg #85 09-07-2012 10:39 pm Hye master sifu,can you tell me which counter that i prefer.. DOB10May81 Tq.. |
ravejinx182 | Msg #86 25-07-2012 06:52 pm Hi again, master sifu.. May i knw which counter suites me? My dob is 23 Jan 1984. Thanks |
eesen111 | Msg #87 18-09-2012 12:03 am Hi best. Which counter is my best choice?? Tq. |
tiagnap | Msg #88 20-09-2012 05:54 am Hi master, I need help which counter and my lucky day for place my bet: my birthday 10 May 1982... thanks a lot :) |
Mrskyer | Msg #89 02-12-2012 02:29 am Hi best4..can i knw which counter should i play?? in my history,only win 1st at magnum once..n 1st for ibox at toto.. |
culan81 | Msg #90 02-12-2012 05:17 pm Hi Master Sifu, Can i know which counter should i bet? My DOB 25th September 1981 ;))) |
TFK | Msg #91 05-12-2012 04:03 am Hi again Best4 Master sifu My DOB 9 November 1970 I only buy at Singapore pool Counter Can you give me some lucky number for this December month of 2012 God Always bless you Thank in advance |
mira | Msg #92 05-12-2012 10:33 am Hi Master Sifu, Which counter I should buy my number as my DOB = 14/10/68. Thanks |
pul8861 | Msg #93 13-12-2012 09:42 am Hai master sifu... What my lucky dob 19/05/1978... |
poh2 | Msg #94 14-12-2012 02:28 pm Dear Best4 Master Sifu, My DOB is 12 - 04 - 1953. Please advise which counter is best for me. TQ. |
zeuzz | Msg #95 16-12-2012 02:14 pm hello master sifu,,,, which counter is best for me? my d.o.b is 1/7/1990 |
namzar | Msg #96 18-12-2012 01:22 am hi master sifu again... what counter suit for me, my DOB 22/06/1972 |
Alexto9999 | Msg #97 06-01-2013 01:19 am Hello Master Sifu, May i know where is my best place to place bet, fyi 12 dec 1979..tq |
step90 | Msg #98 13-01-2013 08:02 pm hi master sifu..which 4D operator should i place my bets? DOB 25/05/1990..thanks :) |
maxi79 | Msg #99 19-02-2013 12:31 am Hi Best4 (Master Sifu), i'm new here, can you help me on which counter is the best for me!? DOB 12 August 1979. Thank you very much in advance! :) |
yenzare | Msg #100 04-04-2013 06:38 pm hi Best4 master sifu can you tell me which counter will be lucky for me to bet number? |