smallbet | Msg #1 14-01-2012 10:07 pm Hi! Try this number for 15 Jan.2012 draw, 0279 0459 1257 1357 4568.. Just mbox, Iperm & ibox small.. TQ |
umbol | Msg #2 15-01-2012 05:06 pm sport toto 1125,9188...just play rm1 bet..own risk |
megat | Msg #3 16-01-2012 07:40 am what number to buy at magnum for tomorrow race special draw 17/01/2011 (865) |
jeoprx8 | Msg #4 16-01-2012 08:29 am Hi smallbet, wow bro, ur predit come up to 1ft price on magnum 4568 - 4865 syg lah bro, semalam x smpt nk pasang. satu rmh pn x ada pasang. |
choong | Msg #5 16-01-2012 10:41 am Hello Brother Smallbet , your prediction yesterday really good , hope can have it next draw . i have to say thanks that you share its with all of us even i didnt hit it .cos i have not win once this year .and i am broke , i will try next draw if you share it with us , i will borrow some $$ to firght for it ....overall ,,,,,thank you very very much ,,,,, |
Lenglui | Msg #6 17-01-2012 11:42 am Hi, im new here.. wow salute you lah brother smallbet, any pre for today? same as megat, waiting magic number also.. =) |
begin | Msg #7 17-01-2012 04:08 pm any tips for today???im new here |
huatchai | Msg #8 18-01-2012 11:01 am thank you.. 4568-4865 i won it mbox 10 big & small. wish to get your prediction again |
packia | Msg #9 27-01-2012 09:46 am can you tell me toto number for this saturday (28-01-2012) |
packia | Msg #10 27-01-2012 10:05 am can you tell me toto number for this saturday (28-01-2012) in malaysia |
tiger | Msg #11 08-02-2012 02:37 am I get where you're coming from, but predicting numbers for things like that can be a bit tricky, you know? I mean, it's all about luck at the end of the day. If you’ve got some numbers in mind or a strategy you wanna share, go for it! Maybe we can bounce some ideas around and see if anything sticks. Just keep in mind, it’s all just a game of chance! |